Layla’s caramel-colored eyes stare up at me, worry lines appearing at the outside corners.

I shake my thoughts clear and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

“I’m okay. Just got a lot on my mind lately.”

The tip of her tongue peeks out as she licks her lips. Weeks ago, that would have stirred my blood, and I would have stolen a kiss. I feel nothing now, only a deep sense of affection for the woman who’s been a big part of my life the last few years.

“Is it Maisy? Are you worried about her?”

I let out a sigh and rest my hands on the counter behind me. “I just miss her. I barely got a chance to know her, and I had to leave her at one of the worst times of her life.”

“She’ll be coming here soon, right?”


Her gaze shifts away for a moment. “What about Ellie?”

I grip the edge of the counter. “What about her?” I keep my voice calm.

She brings her eyes back to me. She tries to hide it, but I still see the uncertainty.

“Are you two together now? I’ve wanted to ask you since you got back, because you’ve been acting so closed-off, but I haven’t had the opportunity.”

I straighten from the counter and place a palm against her cheek, my thumb rubbing circles on the soft skin.

“We’re not together, but I want to be,” I say gently. “Some heavy shit went down when things ended between us that I didn’t know about, so she’s skittish.” Her shoulders slump, and it makes me feel like a dick for putting her through this. But it needs to be said. I don’t want to lead her on. “You know what that means, right?”

She nods, and sorrow enters her beautiful eyes. “I’ll miss you,” she whispers.

I slide my hand to her neck and pull her forward to kiss her forehead. “I’ll still be here, and we’ll always be friends.”

Pulling back, she smiles at me, but it’s filled with sadness. “I know, but it won’t be the same.”

She’s right. It won’t be the same, but no matter what happens, I’ll always be there for her and the other two.

“Just do me a favor. Don’t tell Jamie or Gillian. I owe them an explanation myself.”

“Okay.” She tilts her head to the side. “I can’t wait to meet her. She must be very special.”

It’s my turn to smile. “She is. I know you’ll like her.”

Layla will be hurt for a while, but she won’t let that stop her from getting to know Ellie and Maisy. She’s too much of good person to let hurt feelings guide her actions.

“I know I will too. Only someone exceptional could ever capture your heart.”

I never said I loved Ellie. I never even let myself think about it. But the truth of the matter is, I never stopped. It only lay dormant the last twelve years. I still hold some resentment toward her for what she hid from me, but only because I missed so much of Maisy’s life, time I’ll never get back.

I don’t deny Layla’s claim, but I don’t confirm it either. Instead, I change the subject.

“Have you heard from your friend Holly?”

She reaches past me and grabs the plates from the counter. As she goes to the cabinet to put them away, she says over her shoulder, “I did finally. She said she had something important come up and apologized for worrying me.” After she sorts the silverware in the drawer, she leans a hip on the counter. “I wanted to see how you felt about something.”


She picks at her nails nervously. “I wanted to invite her to visit. I know we don’t encourage people to come to Malus, but she’s become important to me and she has no other family left. Ever since she lost her parents, I’ve noticed a change in her. I’m hoping if she gets away for a while, it might help.”

Ordinarily, I’d give a firm no. We have too many secrets in Malus to have random people visit. Especially if there?