I look at my watch. “Should be any minute now.”

She turns her head to the side but I see the frown appear on her face. I lean forward and bring her face back to me, not liking the desolate look.

“What’s wrong?”

Her teeth tug on her bottom lip. “I don’t want you to go,” she says quietly, her voice quivering.

I get up from the chair, wincing with the pain, and sit down gently on the edge of her bed.

“I’ll be back every day, okay? And your mom will be here too. You’ve only got a few more days until you’ll be home with us.”

She nods, but I know my answer doesn’t satisfy her. I hate hospitals. The smell alone has me staying far away from them, but these last four days haven’t been bad. I’ve enjoyed my time here with Maisy, even if the environment has been sterile, the smell abhorrent, and I’d much rather be at Ellie’s place with Maisy.

Shoes squeak on the floor, and I glance up just as Ellie and Declan come into the room. Ellie went home earlier to grab a shower and a change of clothes. The plan was for Declan to follow her back to the hospital and take me home once I’m released. It’s late afternoon, and the sun is already setting. With the drugs they’ve been pumping into me, I can’t drive myself yet, so I won’t be back to the hospital tonight. However, I’m stopping the painkillers tomorrow so I’ll be able to drive myself. I hate being dependent on anyone, especially Declan.

Maisy’s smile is big when she sees Declan, and a pang of jealousy hits me. He may be her great-uncle, but he’s been the only father figure Maisy’s had since birth. While I’m glad he was there for them both, it still irritates the fuck out of me that she may prefer him over me.

“Hey, munchkin. How’s my girl today?”

He leans down and kisses her forehead. I get up from the chair and go to my bed, where my bag is packed and sitting on top. I want to punch the guy, because she’s not his girl. She’s mine.

I’m used to being in control of things, and right now I feel like I’m not. It’s not just Declan, it’s the whole situation. It’s me leaving to go back home once Maisy is settled back at Ellie’s. It’s finding out I have a sick daughter. It’s not knowing if her body will take my kidney. Not knowing when they’ll be able to move to Malus and if Maisy will be happy there. Of not having one fucking clue what I’ll do if she isn’t.

Maisy giggles at something Declan says, and for once the sound grates on my nerves. It’s stupid and petty as fuck, but I want that giggle for myself. It’s my Goddamn giggle.

I crack my neck and get a hold of my irate emotions. I’m going to be around the guy mostly by myself for the next few days. I need to get my shit together. The last thing I want is for a falling out to happen, because I know it’ll upset Maisy. She loves her uncle. I need to remember that.

“You okay?” Ellie asks, coming up beside me.

“Yeah,” I respond shortly.

A line forms between her eyes, and I wait for her to ask me what’s wrong, but the question never comes.

“You ready to get out of here?” she asks instead.

“Yes, but I hate leaving her.” I look over my shoulder to Maisy’s bed, ignoring the stirrings of jealousy at seeing her and Declan whispering.

“She’ll be okay, and you’ll be by tomorrow to visit her, right?”

I nod. “I’ll be here every day she is.”

The frown leaves her face as she turns around and leans against the bed, her arms across her chest and her eyes on our daughter.

“She’s going to miss you being here.” She looks at me. “She cares about you a lot already.”

Before I can respond, a nurse walks in pushing a wheelchair. I stop her before she makes it halfway across the room.

“You can take that back. I’ll walk out.”

This nurse isn’t one of the young, sweet ones I’ve had for most of my stay. She’s older, stocky, and filled with attitude. I met her yesterday when I awoke to her hovering over me, lifting the shirt I had Ellie bring me to check my incision. When I tried to push her away and tell her I could lift my own damn shirt, she slapped my hand and scolded me as if I were a child. We haven’t gotten along the greatest since then, but I keep my mouth shut because she’s great with Maisy.

“Now, Mr. Beckett, you’re not going to give me any troubles in front of little ears, are you?” she asks, her brows lifted and her mouth a straight line.

The bitch knows just where to hit. She’s seen the way I am with Maisy. I’m not sure if she knows I’m her father, but there’s no mistaking how much I care for Maisy. She knows I won’t make a scene in front of her.

I glare at her as I make my way over to Maisy’s bed. I soften my features when I turn to face her. She holds her arms out to me, and the rest of my irritation falls away. Sitting on the side of the bed, I lean over so she doesn’t have to sit up and let her wrap her arms around my neck. The pain in my stomach from bending over is forgotten as I breathe in her floral scent. It’s a smell I’ve come to love, and I hate knowing I’m not going to be able to smell it anytime I want while she’s in the hospital.

“You promise to come back tomorrow?” she whispers.