Judge smiles, and it feels like a lead ball lands in my stomach. He used to smile like that at me. I’m not jealous or resentful of my daughter—she deserves to have the love Judge obviously feels toward her—but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss the affection he once felt for me.

“How are you feeling?” he asks, moving into the living room. I trail behind him slowly, suddenly feeling like I’m encroaching on something private.

“Just tired.”

He nods in understanding. “Your mom told me you’re always a bit run-down after your treatments.”

I decide to give the two a few minutes alone.

“We were waiting on you to get here before we made lunch. I’ll just go to the kitchen and get it ready.”

I ignore the feeling of Judge’s eyes on me as I leave the living room. The next couple of weeks are going to be hard. When Judge said he was coming to town, he offered to stay in a hotel. I agreed because I knew it would be difficult to have him around all the time. But then Maisy asked if he could stay here. She wants to get to know her dad, so I couldn’t deny her request. Declan thought it was a good idea as well. Especially after I told him Maisy and I would be staying in Malus for a while after she’s better.

I pull out the makings for roast beef sandwiches, along with a bowl of fresh fruit I cut up earlier. I keep one ear toward the living room, trying my best to unabashedly listen to what’s going on in there. Of course, all I can hear is soft murmurs.

It doesn’t take me long to have everything ready. I carry the plate of sandwiches and the bowl of fruit to the table in the dining room. The living and dining room are connected, so I have a clear view of the couch, where Maisy and Judge are sitting talking quietly. Going back to the kitchen, I grab three water bottles from the fridge and bump into Judge when I turn around.

A hmpf leaves my lips on a rush. He grabs my upper arms before I can fall backward.

“Easy,” he grunts.

“Sorry,” I grumble.

Before I can bend and pick up the bottles that fell from my hand, he squats and grabs them.

“It was my fault. I shouldn’t have been standing so close.”

I peek up at him from beneath my lashes. His frown is deep as he looks down at me. It makes me wonder what he’s thinking.

“Lunch is ready,” I tell him, then silently curse myself when it comes out breathless.

Without a word, he spins on his heel and stalks out of the kitchen. I take a fortifying breath before following him. Maisy is already at the table, and Judge takes the seat beside her. I opt for the one across from them. It’s quiet for the first few minutes.

“Once we’re done, we can leave for your appointment with Maisy’s doctor,” I inform him.

He sets his sandwich down on his plate and wipes his mouth.

“Trouble should have had my records sent over to the office by now.”

Judge had Trouble perform what tests he could at his office to help speed the process along. He’ll still have a few to do before they can determine if Judge is a kidney candidate for Maisy.

“Do you attend online school?” Judge asks Maisy.

“Yes,” she answers, a hint of yearning in her voice. “I miss going to a regular school though.” She spears a piece of pineapple and pops it into her mouth.

“I bet it gets hard sometimes,” he remarks. “Are any of your friends allowed over?”

“Not a whole lot, because most of the time I don’t feel well.”

Remorse hits me square in the chest. There are so many things Maisy’s had to give up because of her illness. She still has friends she talks to on the phone sometimes, and I do let one or two come over for a couple of hours every so often, but I know it’s not the same for her because she’s so limited on what she can do. It’s only been a few months since this started, but it’s had a huge impact on her.

As Judge and Maisy continue to talk, I close my eyes and send up a silent prayer.

Please let my baby girl make it through this.

LATER THAT EVENING, I’m in Maisy’s room sitting on the side of her bed as she gets situated underneath the covers. After Judge’s appointment with Maisy’s doctor, he took several tests the doctor had already ordered. It’ll be a few days before we get all the results back, but the doctor seemed very hopeful that Judge would be a viable candidate.

“Tired?” I ask Maisy needlessly, and brush away a thick piece of curly brown hair off her forehead.