She has her body pressed against Maisy’s with one arm draped around her. She looks like a mother protecting her daughter.

I frown and lean over Maisy slightly when I notice a light scar on the underside of Ellie’s chin. I can’t see it very well because of the low lighting, but enough to realize it wasn’t there when we were together. It’s a couple of inches long and runs from the outside edge of her chin along the line of her jaw. It’s so faint that most people wouldn’t notice i

t. The only reason I did is because the light from the bathroom is shining directly on her face.

I briefly wonder where it came from but push the thought away. It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is making sure my daughter gets well and getting to know her.

With a weary sigh, I look back at Maisy one more time before turning on my heel and exiting the room, leaving the door cracked open a couple of inches behind me. Yanking off my clothes once I get to my room, I go into the bathroom and start the shower.

These next few weeks are going to be stressful. I don’t talk to God often, but I send up a silent prayer as I step into the shower that he sends a couple of angels to watch over Maisy.

I may have only known of her existence for thirty-six hours, but I already know, if something were to happen to her, it would leave a gaping hole in my chest. One I’m not entirely sure I’d be able to recover from.

Chapter Five


I WALK FROM THE KITCHEN into the living room and take the only chair that’s available. Three sets of curious but worried eyes stare back at me from the couch.

“What’s going on, Judge?” Jamie asks, her head tilted to the side inquisitively. “Who’re the new people everyone’s talking about?”

I lean back and get comfortable.

“I’m going to be gone for at least a couple of weeks, maybe longer,” I inform them, moving my gaze from one to the other.

“Okay….” Layla trails off, waiting for more.

“Almost twelve years ago, I met a woman in Kentucky. We dated for a while before things ended. She showed up a couple of days ago with her uncle… and her child.” I tap my fingers on the arm of the chair. “My child.”

Their eyes widen and Layla sucks in a sharp breath. “Are you sure she’s yours?”

“I’m quite positive she is.”

“People are saying she looks a lot like you,” Gillian remarks.

I nod. “She does.”

“Did you know about her?” Jamie’s quiet question has my eyes switching to her. “I mean, back then. Did you know about her?”

“What do you think?” I ask, unable to hold back the displeasure at her lack of faith in my morals and sense of responsibility.

Her hair bounces as she slowly shakes her head. “No, you didn’t.”

“There’s more. Due to an illness she had months ago, Maisy’s gone into kidney failure. I’m going to Kentucky to give her one of mine.”

“That poor child,” Layla says, her hand going to her chest.

“How awful.” Tears glisten in Gillian’s eyes.

“What happens if it doesn’t take?” Jamie inquires somberly.

“I don’t know. I’m meeting with her doctors once I get there on Wednesday. Although Maisy and I have the same blood type, they still need to run tests to make sure I’m a viable donor candidate.”

“What happens when you come back?”

I know what Jamie’s getting at and have thought long and hard about the answer.

“Ellie and Maisy will be coming here once Maisy is well enough to travel,” I tell her. “I want to get to know my daughter. As far as our situation, there will be some changes. I want to get Ellie and Maisy settled in before I tell Ellie about you three.” I look each woman in the eye. “I’m not ending things between us, but my first priority will be Maisy from now on. They’ll be staying in my house until Ellie finds her own place. Even then, when Maisy is with me, she and I will obviously be staying in my house.”