“Thanks!” Her pleased grin has my stomach dipping, and I smile back at her.

When I lift my head, I lock eyes with Ellie. She’s biting her lip and her brows are drawn down into a frown.

I pick up my spoon, scoop up some of the strawberry sherbet, and put it in my mouth. I barely hold back my grimace. I hate anything strawberry. I’ve always heard that parents make many sacrifices for their children. I remember times when my parents would make sacrifices for me, but their participation in Hell Night negated those sacrifices. They meant nothing. I never thought I would be faced with making them for my own child.

“Ellie says Judge isn’t your real name. Mind telling me what it is?”

I glance at Declan. I actually do mind telling him my real name. Frankly, it’s none of his business. Only people I trust get my real name, and even then, only one person is allowed to use it. He’s not someone I trust yet. I fucking hate my given name. It’s attached to a past that I’d like to forget about.

Before I can politely—because Maisy is here—set him down, Maisy surprises me by answering.

“Momma said it’s Kayn,” she says innocently as she scoops another spoonful of sherbet into her mouth.

I glance at Ellie and raise a brow. Why would she tell Maisy my real name, and what else has she told her?

“Why the name Judge?”

I pull my eyes back to him. “As the oldest, when we were younger, I was always the one looking out for my brothers and settling any disputes between them. Trouble made a joking comment one day that I would make a good judge. The name stuck.”

“Interesting,” he comments. He pushes his bowl away. “You said brothers, meaning more than one.”

What the fuck is this? An interrogation? Is he just a nosy fucker, or are all the questions because he’s worried about Ellie and Maisy?

“I have three brothers. Trouble is one of them. And before you ask,” I add quickly when he opens his mouth, “no, they aren’t my real brothers, but we couldn’t be any closer if we were blood related.”

He snaps his mouth shut after that. It might be because of the glare I shoot him, warning him I’m done with his questioning.

The bell over the door rings, and I cast my eyes in that direction. Susan walks in. She tries to pretend like she wasn’t just looking at us, but I saw her jerk her eyes away. Declan spots her as well and turns to Maisy.

“Hey, kiddo, how about I get you some sherbet to take home for tomorrow? I’ll make sure to get both strawberry and mango.”

I grunt at the obvious excuse to go to the counter where Susan is now standing.

“Declan, we’re leaving tomorrow. She won’t have time—”

He cuts her off. “If she doesn’t eat it, I’m sure Judge will,” he says with a smirk. I must not have hidden my grimace as well as I thought.

The fucker.

Ellie sighs. “Fine.”

“Thanks, Uncle Declan.”

“Sure thing. Anything for you, Maisy,” he says, his eyes going to me as he stands.

I catch his subtle hint of warning. The difference between him and me is I’ll literally do anything for my child.

I’m capable of anything. There are no limits.

I WALK QUIETLY UP THE STAIRS, not wanting to disturb Maisy and Ellie if they’re asleep. They came up an hour ago to shower and get ready for bed. Declan went up thirty minutes before them, claiming he had a few work emails he needed to respond to.

As I pass by their bedroom door, I notice a low light on and stop. The door’s cracked open a couple of feet, so I can easily see inside. The light in the bathroom is on with the door partially open, illuminating the bed and the two occupants underneath the covers.

Before I can stop myself, I slowly push the door open and step inside the room, my feet carrying me silently across the carpet until I’m standing on the side Maisy’s sleeping on. The cover is drawn up to her chin, some of her hair curling softly over her cheek. All children are beautiful and precious, no matter what they look like, and I know I’m biased because she’s my daughter, but looking down at Maisy, I’ve never seen a more beautiful little girl. A swell of pride fills my chest. I’ve barely begun to know this child, and already she’s became one of the most important people in my life.

My eyes move past her, and resentment replaces the pride when my gaze lands on Ellie. How could she so easily keep something so precious from me? She had to have known I wouldn’t have turned away my own daughter. Once upon a time, she knew me better than that. What happened back then that made her hate me so much? It was more than the way I broke things off. Whatever the excuse is, it wouldn’t be enough. There’s nothing that could justify her actions.

Even so, I can’t help but notice she’s more beautiful than I remembered, which pisses me the fuck off. Someone capable of such deception shouldn’t be so attractive.