From the moment they had walked into the room, and paused at       the top of the short flight of steps that lead down the highly polished floor,       all eyes had been on them. Just their appearance had triggered off a blinding       fusillade of camera flashes that made her head spin and had her clutching at       Alexei’s arm for support. For long minutes afterwards she was still blinking to       clear away the spots in her vision and bring her gaze back into focus properly.       And he was there, at her side, silently supporting her, seeming to know       instinctively just when she was able to see again clearly, when she could stand       on her own two feet and turn her attention to the crowds of statesmen,       dignitaries and nobility who thronged the room.

That was when Alexei carefully eased his way away from her       side, resting his hand on hers just once as he turned her towards another group       of guests. A faint inclination of his head, the touch of his hand at the base of       her spine, spoke volumes without words. For this one night, still his fiancée,       officially soon to be his queen, she should mix with their guests, socialise,       talk with them. And he knew she could do it. Knew he didn’t have to stay with       her. Instead he headed off in the opposite direction, working the room. And the       bittersweet rush of pride at the thought that he knew she wouldn’t let him down       helped Ria’s feet move, warmed her smile when all the time she was feeling       broken and dead inside.

She had no idea how much time had passed when they met up       again. Only that he came to find her just at the point she had started to flag.       When her mouth was beginning to ache with smiling, when her fund of small talk       was beginning to dry up. Just when she felt she’d had enough, suddenly he was       there by her side.

‘Dance with me,’ he said softly, and she turned to him, feeling       as she gave him her hand and he lead her out on to the dance floor that, for       her, the evening had really just truly begun.

With his arms round her, warm and strong, his strength       supporting her, the scent of his skin in her nostrils, she barely felt as if her       feet were on the ground any longer. She was all talked out, unable to find any       words to say to him. But Alexei didn’t appear to need conversation; seemed       instead, like her, to be content to remain in their own silent bubble.

She had wanted to be here so much. Had dreamed of being here in       so many ways—at the Black and White Ball, at the start of a new reign for the       country, with the succession secured, with Mecjoria safe. With Ivan kept from       the throne and Alexei, a strong, honest, powerful ruler, in his place. Here with       the man she loved.

And that was when her thoughts stumbled to a halt. Where her       mind seemed to blow a fuse and she could go no further, could not get past the       thought of how much she loved this man. How much she wanted to be in his arms,       and stay there for ever. At this moment she felt that she wouldn’t even ask for       his love in return. Just to stay with him, love him would be enough.

But already the clock was ticking towards the end of the       convenient engagement Alexei had decided he no longer needed. Like Cinderella,       she had until midnight before all the magic in her life disappeared and she       found she was once more back in reality, all her dreams shattered around her.       Already, an hour or more of the last remaining precious time she had with Alexei       had passed and try as she might she couldn’t hold back a single minute of the       little that was left.

‘Enjoying yourself?’

Alexei asked the question strangely stiffly, his breath warm       against her ear, her cheek pressed close to his. She could only nod silently in       answer, not daring to look up into his face, meet his eyes through the black       silk mask. It would destroy her if she did. She would shatter into tiny pieces       right here on the polished floor.

Enjoying yourself! Alexei couldn’t       believe he had been stupid enough to ask the inane question. The same one that       he had asked a dozen, a hundred, times already that evening. It was the sort of       polite, formal small talk that he used to put people at their ease, to make them       feel that he had noticed them, that he appreciated the fact that they were       there. It was for the Mecjorian nobility, the foreign dignitaries, the press       even.

It was not for Ria. Not for this woman who he now held in his       arms for perhaps the last time and who, at the end of this evening, would walk       out of his life and into her own future—totally free for the first time       ever.

Because how could he not notice Ria when she looked so       stunningly beautiful, when she was all his private sensual fantasies come at       once? How could he not appreciate what she was, who she was, when she had been       there with him, always at his side, always offering her support through the long       weeks since she had come to him with the news that he was king? Because it was       right.

That was why he had known tonight that he had only one way       forward. That, like Ria, he had to do what was right. Right for her, even if       everything that was in him ached in protest at the thought. He had forced her       into the marriage that he had believed would bring him the satisfaction he       craved. It had brought him all that satisfaction—and more. So much more. But to       keep her in such a marriage would be like chaining up some beautiful, exotic       wild creature.

She would die in captivity. And he couldn’t bear to see that       happen to her. So tonight he was setting her free.

But first he would have just a few more hours to dance with       her, hold her, maybe even kiss her. In spite of himself, he let his arms tighten       round her, drew her soft warmth closer, inhaled the perfume of her skin against       his. The bittersweet delight of it made his body burn in a hunger that he knew       would have him lying awake through the night, and many more long, empty nights       when this was done. He had until midnight. A few more hours to pretend that she       was still his.

His! The lie cut terribly deep. The truth was that Ria had       never been his. And that was why tonight had been inevitable, right from the       start. But everything that was in him rebelled at the thought.

He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t let her go.

Ria was so lost in her thoughts, in the deep sensual awareness       of being held so close to Alexei that at first the flurry of interest was just       like a blur at the edge of her consciousness. She heard the buzz of sound as if       it was that of a swarm of bees somewhere far distant, on the horizon but coming       closer, growing louder, with every second.

Uncharacteristically, Alexei’s smooth steps in the waltz       stumbled slightly, hesitated, slowed. She heard him mutter a low toned, dark,       fierce curse, the furious, ‘Too early. Too damn early,’ and suddenly the whole       dance was stuttering to a halt as the murmur around them grew, as if that swarm       of bees was coming closer, dangerously so.


On a sense of shock she heard her own name muttered over and       over again. But once or twice it came with an addition that startled her,       shocked her into stillness, bringing her head up and round.