to Mount Weather then you’ll be the first person here who knows enough to not only believe me but help me stop this madness.” Dr. Evans glanced at Jane apologetically. “No offense intended. I meant only that Rick probably has the skills necessary to help unravel the technic—”

Jane shook her head and smiled at Dr. Evans’ awkward stammering. “None taken.”

Rick shifted on his feet and gave Dr. Evans a quizzical look. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is it Damocles?”

Dr. Evans held a finger to his lips and shook his head, whispering again. “Not now. Tonight, after dinner. There’s a community room in the building just down the hall. No one ever uses it after dinner, though. We’ll meet there, the three of us, and Jane and I will tell you everything.”

Rick looked at Jane. “What are you guys talking about?”

Jane smiled at him again and patted his arm. “You’ll see. We’ve got a lot to figure out.”

Chapter 5

The Water’s Homestead

Outside Ellisville, VA

Dianne waited until after dinner when Jacob and Josie were busy cleaning up the dishes to tell Mark about the conversation she had with Jason and Sarah. His response was relatively muted though he asked a few questions here and there as Dianne explained things. When Dianne told him that she and Jason would most likely be going out to search for the group—which she had started calling ‘the gang’—Mark grew antsy.

“I want to come with you and help.”

Dianne smiled at the response and reached across the dining room table to hold his hand. “I know you do, kiddo. I need someone here to help watch the house and keep your brother and sister safe.”

“Let Mr. Statler stay here. He and Mrs. Statler can watch the place, right?”

“Of course they could. But I want you here.” A muffled thump and a pair of voices arguing upstairs made her smile. “Besides if we leave the two of them here they’ll be arguing too much to pay attention to anyone approaching.”

A smile briefly passed across Mark’s lips before he forced it back down. “I don’t know, mom. I don’t like this. I don’t like you going out and leaving again. It doesn’t seem safe.”

“I don’t like it either.” Dianne shrugged. “But we can’t just leave Tina out there. I would take all of you with us in the truck but there’s no way I’m letting your brother and sister get anywhere close to those people.”

“Were two of them really those guys from the grocery store?”

“Yep. So I want you to stay on your toes here. Keep the security cameras up at all times. Minimize the time spent outside. Keep the fires to a minimum, too. No loud noises, no engines except in an emergency. Above all, though, remember this: don’t hesitate to shoot. If you don’t know the people and they’re on our property then you need to shoot. If they do anything threatening, shoot. Don’t shoot to frighten, either. This isn’t a game or a movie where warning shots will scare them off.”

Mark gulped and Dianne squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry; you’ll do great. And I highly doubt anyone will be coming out here while we’re out scouting. It’s more likely that we’ll run into someone since… well, we’ll be looking for them.”

“I don’t really like the sound of that.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll have Jason with me. He may not look it sometimes but that guy’s tougher than nails. If we get into a rough spot we’ll be fine.”

“Mrs. Statler seems pretty handy with a gun. Once you guys left she kept one on her till you got back. I don’t think she wanted to be seen holding one or something, at least by you guys.”

Dianne smiled. “Sarah’s a bit of an oddball, but she’ll take care of you all.” She stood up, carrying her coffee cup over to the sink and handing it to Jacob to wash. “Besides, it’s not like we’re going out for very long. We’ll leave in the morning and be back sometime after lunch or near dinner.”


“Hey.” Dianne frowned. “Don’t be a pessimist. Have some faith, okay?”

Mark nodded and stood up from the table. Another thump came from upstairs along with more arguing. “Should I go see if they need some help up there?”

Dianne looked at the ceiling and shook her head. “Nah. They’re fine. They just need to get settled in.”


An hour later, after Mark, Jacob and Josie were sitting quietly in the living room reading, Sarah and Jason came downstairs, still having a friendly argument along the way. Dianne was sitting in the recliner in the living room watching out the back window with a tablet on her lap with the security cameras pulled up on it.

“Hey you two!” She smiled as Jason and Sarah walked in, poking at each other. “We heard you rattling around up there. You get settled in okay?”