“Something’s wrong with the bunker, sir. We need you to come with us right now.”

The Vice President sits up on the bed and processes the statement for a few seconds before replying. “What’s going on with the bunker? Be specific.”

Someone high up in the Navy steps forward into the Vice President’s line of sight. “Sir, we believe that one of the civilians was trying an experiment on a Damocles-infected system. The infection jumped from the infected device to the bunker’s network.”

The fog that had settled over the Vice President’s brain immediately lifts. “They did what? What’s that mean for us?”

“Technicians are already at work isolating the infected equipment but it may be too late.”

“Too late?”

The lights flicker as the Vice President speaks. A few seconds later they go out and the suite is plunged into darkness. The military brass remain calm though a few staffers at the edges of the room make muffled groans and cries as they feel around, trying to keep from being overwhelmed by the claustrophobic nightmare they have been plunged into.

“Who’s got a light?” Someone calls out.

“Here, I have a penlight.” Another answers.

A few moments later, after half a dozen flashlights have been pulled from the pockets of the most prepared, the Vice President leads the group out of the suite and down the hall to the main command room of the bunker. When he arrives, though, he wonders if he made a wrong turn somewhere along the way.

“Hello?” The Vice President shouts into the dark room, its cavernous volume too large for the penlights to pierce its depths. A chorus of replies follow and a few small flashlights slowly emerge as clusters of people group up together. “Do we not have any emergency lights?”

“Flint said she was going to start the backup generator.” The reply comes from somewhere else in the room. “It should be on any minute.”

The minutes tick by slowly until the distant sound of a throaty diesel engine comes to life. The lights flicker to life a moment later, revealing the throngs of people who have gathered together in the room. As their voices

surge the Vice President raises his hands and shouts above the din.

“Everyone, quiet down! We don’t know what happened yet but with the generators on we’ll be just fine. I need everyone to return to your assigned rooms or jobs while we sort this out. I’ll have a further announcement on the situation shortly. Thank you!” Though the Vice President’s short statement sounds hopeful, half an hour later he finds himself facing a dearth of hope.

“Damocles is in the entirety of the systems here? Everything?” He closes his eyes and sighs.

“I’m afraid so, sir.” A man with a scruffy beard, glasses and a stained dress shirt sits in front of the Vice President. “The only reason the backup generator is working is because it’s old enough to not have computer controls on it. Our HVAC system is offline, the reactor automatically shut down—thank goodness—and we have zero comms or computer systems online.”

“Can we open the bunker doors at least?”

“We can do that, yes.”

“What about water?”

“The pumps were all computer-controlled. There is a backup pump but it’s tied to the backup generator and the capacity is minimal. We’ll have drinking water but that’s about it.”

“Well.” The Vice President shakes his head, overwhelmed by frustration and helplessness. “So much for the think tank.”

Chapter 4

Cheyenne Mountain Complex

Outside Colorado Springs, CO

Rick couldn’t sleep.

According to the simple wall clock in his room, it had been hours since he had been deep underground and placed into a room the size of a large walk-in closet. The door had been locked from the outside when the MPs left and try as he might Rick hadn’t been able to get it to budge.

He passed the hours through a variety of monotonous activities. First on the list had been looking for any alternate ways out. The only one he was able to find was an air vent that a small child would have had difficulties crawling through.

With no way to get out Rick turned his attention to going through his bag that the MPs dropped off shortly after delivering him to his room. There were some changes of clothing, a couple of MREs, a flashlight and a few empty shell casings but the majority of what he had stored in the Humvee had been thrown out or confiscated. Rick was grateful for the extra changes of clothes that someone had kindly stuffed into the bag and he almost felt bad for how good he felt over having a hot shower for the first time in weeks.

Once he was clean and changed Rick felt drowsy but no matter how hard he tried to go to sleep he just wasn’t able to do so. The bed was hard, the pillow thin and the sheets on the narrow bed were coarse but Rick had slept in so many uncomfortable positions and locations lately that those things didn’t bother him in the slightest.