The playboy Chase has always warned me about is gone and a scared, lonely man sits before me. “You really do love her, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I think I do.” He takes a large sip of his martini. Placing his glass on the bar, he runs his fingers up the sides of his nose and across his forehead. “I’ve never been in love before, and it’s freaking me out. I didn’t know I would react this way to her constantly flying across the country.”

“I know what you mean. Chase being away is making me miserable, too.”

“Is is supposed to feel like this?”

“The missing part, yes. I’m not so sure about the anger.”

“I don’t like not knowing what she’s doing.”

“She’s working,” I say, signaling for another beer.

“It’s after work I’m worried about. She’s hot, guys will flock to her.”

“Justin,” I say, looking straight at him, “you need to trust her.”

“I don’t know how

to do that.”

“Yes, you do.”

“I can’t, because I know what I would do.” He fiddles with his fingers, obviously nervous with the direction of this conversation.

“So, you’re fighting your own demons?”

“It seems so.” He looks up at the ceiling, searching for the answer.

“You’re not going to find it up there,” I say, laughing.

“Find what?”

“I know what you’re doing.” I take a sip of my beer, carefully constructing my response. “She isn’t you. I’ve seen how she acts around you and I’m pretty sure she’s in love with you, too.”

“You think?”

“It appears that way, yes. You need to stop obsessing over what might happen and focus on your feelings.”

“Fuck, this is hard,” he murmurs into his drink.

“You need to trust her. Trust is everything. Without it, you’ll ultimately fail.”

“Trust,” he says, rolling the word on his tongue like he’s saying it for the first time. After a long pause, he says, “I’ve never really had to do that before.”

“It’s a must in any relationship.”

“I’ve never really had one of those either,” he says, chuckling.

“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” I smile and down the rest of my drink. “Can’t we eat now, or do I need to explain the concept of trust to you?”

“No, I think I’m good. Let’s eat.”

It’s been a crazy day and I have yet to speak to Chase. Between the bad connections and the time difference, I honestly think I’m going through Chase withdrawals, and I’m starting to get annoyed. I know it isn’t his fault, I’m just regretting not going with him. I’m lying on the bed when my phone buzzes. Looking at the caller ID, I’m overjoyed to see it’s Chase.

“Hey, beautiful,” Chase purrs into the phone.

“Hi!” I beam back. “The connection is so clear, it’s amazing.”