“I know.”

“Ooh, this sounds good.” Brenda slides her phone across the bar, showing me the website for The Tap Room, a local place in Patchogue. They have half price appetizers and beer, along with live music.

“That is just what I need.”

“Good. I get off in about an hour. What time do you turn into a pumpkin?”

“I’m working local tomorrow. I called my mom and told her I’m crashing there tonight.”

“Good. Let me go finish up.” She stands and turns to the new girl behind the bar. “Bree, give my friend whatever she wants. Oh, and don’t give her a tab. Ring it on the buyback check.” Bree nods her head and goes back to cleaning.

Just as Brenda disappears into the kitchen, my phone pings.

Chase: Hey, beautiful. I miss you.

I text him back immediately.

Liv: I miss you, too! Shouldn’t you be sleeping? What time is it there?

Chase: It’s just before midnight.

Liv: Go to bed! I don’t want to get blamed for you napping on the conference table tomorrow ?

Chase: I couldn’t go to sleep without saying goodnight. Where are you?

Liv: Having a drink at Anthony’s. I’m working in Suffolk tomorrow, so I’m staying at mom’s.

Chase: Say hi to Brenda for me—at least I know you’re in capable hands.

Liv: Okay! Going out for a quick bite, then heading to mom’s.

Chase: Just remember I love you <3 Goodnight.

Liv: Goodnight!

I finish my beer and signal for another. Before Bree gets a chance to open it, I look at the tap handles. Shit, they finally have pumpkin beer on tap. All the years I worked for Anthony, he never ordered it. Now that I don’t work for him anymore, he has it on tap. Sonofabitch. “Bree, can I have the Blue Point Pumpkin instead, with a cinnamon rim?” She nods as she picks up a pint glass.

As she puts the glass in front of me, I ask her, “So, how long have you worked here?”

“A few weeks,” she answers, then turns to the other side of the bar.

I’m about halfway through my pint when Brenda finally comes back out, ready to go. I quickly finish my beer, leave a tip on the bar, and follow her out. Once we clear the doors, I ask, “Bren, what’s with the mute behind the bar?”

“Yeah, I’m working on that.”

“You better work harder. She’s horrible.”

“Don’t let Anthony hear you say that, he’ll drag your ass back here. We’ve been through three bartenders since you left.”

“That’s because I’m irreplaceable,” I giggle.

“No joking, you are. Sales are down and the regulars are getting cranky.”

“What happened to the girl I trained before I quit?”

“She quit the day after you left. And you know Anthony, he’s been on a tear ever since.” Yes, he can be a handful when he’s not happy.

“Sorry,” I mutter.