The doorbell rings and Chase appears from his bedroom with two suitcases. He opens the door to his driver, hands over his bags, and says, “I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

Turning to me, he runs his hands through his hair. I know that look; he’s got something running through his mind. “What?” I ask.

“We still have time. It’s not like you need a plane ticket, and I can always buy you clothes once we get to Italy.” He looks so adorably pathetic. I smile and shake my head. Chase’s lips quirk up into a smile. “Had to ask.”

“I know.”

Pulling me into an embrace, he whispers, “I’ll be back as quickly as I can.”

“You better.” Cupping my face, he covers my lips with his—a passionate, greedy kiss meant to keep me satisfied for the time he’ll be gone. I kiss him back with ardor, grasping the back of his head.

He growls low in his throat, eventually releasing me. “If I don’t leave now, I’m not sure I’ll be able to,” he says, panting.

“I’ll miss you,” I say, a tear running down my face.

Taking his index finger, Chase wipes away the stray tear. “Just remember how much I love you.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head. “I’ll call you when I land.” With one last embrace, he opens the door, and he’s gone.

Two days after Chase leaves, I’m miserable. I didn’t know how much his leaving would affect me. I know I told him I would barricade myself in my apartment, but I need a distraction. Brenda would be the perfect form of entertainment.

Her work schedule hasn’t changed much, and I know on Monday’s she opens. I plan on surprising her after work, and seeing if I can convince her to go out for a drink.

I stroll into the restaurant and sit at the bar. I look around the room and spot some of Evan’s friends sitting at a table along the far side of the restaurant.

Ordering an Amstel, I continue to scan the restaurant. Finally, Brenda appears from the kitchen. She sees me and smiles. “Holy shit, the prodigal daughter returns!”

“Isn’t that supposed to be son?” I ask as she squeezes the life out of me.

“It is, but I’m improvising,” she says, releasing me. “So, why are you slumming in my neck of the woods? They don’t serve Amstels in the city?”

“Chase is in Italy, so I wanted to see if you were free.”

“Ah, yes. Mr. Sex-on-legs left for Italy. And what happened to Saturday night?”

“I’m sorry. I suck at life. I was exhausted and fell asleep before eight.”

She looks at me for a minute, her lips twitching to the side. “Why do I feel like you’re just here because he’s not?”

“Bren, it’s not like that. It’s been crazy these past few months. I’m sorry I haven’t been around.”

Her glare softens a bit. “We haven’t spoken in days, and before that weeks. What gives?”

“Yeah, I’ve been kinda busy.” Shrugging my shoulders, she gets the hint.

“Uh-huh. I can let it slide this one time, just don’t let it happen again,” she says, shoving me. “So, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. We didn’t leave Chase’s apartment all weekend, so something involving people and alcohol.”

“All weekend?” she asks, smiling.

“Yup,” I giggle.

“That’s impressive,” she laughs back. Pulling out her phone, she types something into Google. “It’s Monday night, not much going on around here. Let me see what I can find.” She sits down next to me, continuing her search.

“It doesn’t have to be special, anything will do. I’m just happy I get to spend some quality time with you.”

“Stop it,” she laughs. “You don’t need to try

to con me into anything, I’m along for the ride.”