“Good Lord. Never a dull moment,” Nathan sighs as he walks in through the back door.

“How is she?” Amanda asks as he pulls her into an embrace. He’s still in his linen suit, his tie dangling around his neck.

“Fine. When she gets a little tipsy, she gets dramatic. Crying how her little boy got married and other nonsense. Believe me, you don’t want to see that hot mess. I’ll let my dad deal with it. She’ll be fine in the morning.” Letting Amanda go, he walks into the kitchen and pours himself a drink.

“It was a fantastic wedding,” I say, trying to change the subject.

“Yes! It was amazing!” Miranda squeals in agreement.

“So, Chase, are you next or what?” Nathan teases.

“Hopefully,” he answers, looking over at me. “We’ll see.” His gaze holds me steady, trying to read me. I stay impassive.

“I love weddings!” Miranda says, smiling.

“I love you,” he mouths.

“Good morning, beautiful. Time to get up.” I open my eyes to see Chase lying next to me. Stroking my cheek, he moves a tendril of hair out of my eyes.


“Are you going to get up today?”

“Yes,” I mutter. I’m not about to have a repeat of yesterday.

“I let you sleep late. It’s just before ten.”

“Wow, you did let me sleep late.” I stretch and roll over on my side, facing Chase.

“You wanted to relax today, correct?”

“Yes, but I think I might want to sightsee a little bit. We rushed around Friday night, so I didn’t really get to see anything when we went over to Providenciales.”

“Sure, we can do that.”

“But I don’t want to do anything strenuous. Just sightseeing. No scuba diving, no parasailing, no jet skis. I want a calm, relaxing day.”

“Your wish is my command,” he says with a wink. “We’ll pack up everything and bring it with us since the airport is on Providenciales. I have a car that will take us to my plane, so we’ll leave our bags there while we sightsee.”


“Now, we need to get up.” He rolls off the bed and saunters into the bathroom.

Turning to lay on my back, I stare up at the ceiling fan spinning slowly. A nice, relaxing day with Chase. I don’t think I’ve ever had one of those. The last time we did anything truly relaxing was our walk through Central Park the day after his father’s party. Even then, I was stressed since he bought me new clothes. No,

I can’t wait to spend a quiet day sightseeing with Chase.

We board the Parrot II and head over to Providenciales. The water couldn’t be calmer and the sun is bright as usual. We sit at the back of the boat, Chase’s arm around my shoulders, holding me close. I rest my head on Chase’s shoulder and watch the island disappear.

We arrive at the main island half an hour later. Chase and a deckhand grab our bags and place them on the dock. The driver of the town car Chase hired picks them up and places them in the trunk. I hop on the landing at the back of the boat and another deckhand helps me onto the dock. Once Chase is off the boat, we get in the car.

“Where to, Mr. Remington?”

“I don’t know. Olivia, do you know where we’re going?” I pick up the map I found in a drawer back in our villa and look to see if anything jumps out at me.

“There’s a scooter tour located in Grace Bay. Sounds like fun, and it offers lunch on the beach.”

“Grace Bay, it is,” Chase tells the driver.