I make my way down the boardwalk, toward the makeshift altar surrounded by white flowers and flowing lace across a dark wood pergola. Simple, yet elegant. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see him. My heart nearly jumps out of my mouth and I have the urge to swallow. Dressed in cream linen pants, a vest with a white button-down shirt rolled up to the elbows, and a tie to match our blue dresses, he is the most magnificent thing I’ve ever seen.

As I come into his view, a slow, sexy smile crosses his lips. I can’t take my eyes off him, and his follow me as I make my way down the aisle.

Finally arriving at the altar, I take my place on the end. Chase is still watching me, his eyes smoldering. Miranda comes and stands next to me a few moments later. The music changes and the familiar strains of Trumpet Voluntary come from the quartet.

Amanda strolls down the aisle, her father at her side. She has that same loving glow that Chase has as she looks directly at Nathan. When Amanda’s father places her hand in Nathan’s, a tear runs down my cheek. I can feel the love exuding off both of them and for a fleeting moment, I’m jealous. I hope Chase and I can have that kind of love someday.

The minister starts to speak and I envision Chase and me standing at the altar instead of Amanda and Nathan. I look over to find Chase still watching me, his eyes glued to mine. During the entire ceremony, we gaze at each other and I can’t help but wonder if he’s thinking the same thing I am.

“You may kiss the bride,” the minister announces, snapping me out of my daydream. Nathan grabs Amanda and dips her low, placing a passionate kiss on her lips. We all clap and cheer.

Paired with our significant others, everyone walks back down the aisle opposite of our arrival. Chase saunters toward me and I loop my arm around his. As we walk, he whispers, “Do you know how sexy you look? I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” Was he at the same wedding? I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I don’t think he realizes just how sexy he really is.

“You look amazing,” I say, my voice breathy.

“You are the most beautiful thing on this island. Bride included.” Leaning in, he places a soft kiss on my cheek.

Getting to the end of the aisle, I notice other people standing I could swear weren’t there before. “Where did all these people come from?” I ask Chase.

“What do you mean?”

“Were they here during the ceremony?”

“Yeah, you walked right past them,” he says, smiling.

“Really? Well, I was pretty nervous. I don’t remember walking down the aisle.” I don’t remember them since I was gawking at Chase. “Who are they?”

“Most are friends from Nate’s PR firm. A few VP’s and some other associates. I think there are a few of Amanda’s friends from college here too. We’re the only ones staying here. The rest had rooms on the main island.”

“I thought she wanted an intimate wedding.”

“Are you kidding? This is intimate. If her mother had her way, there would be five hundred guests. I think there are only fifty or sixty here.” All of these people stopped what they were doing to fly to an island for the weekend? Either they really love the bride and groom or they have more money than common sense.

As we talk, we’re escorted to a secluded section of the beach surrounded by trees. There are several round tables set up with long white table cloths and a bouquet of tropical flowers in the center. Next to each table is a pair of hanging lanterns positioned across from each other holding a candle. The tables surround a large dance floor with a DJ at the end.

At the end of the path is a square table with sterling silver photo frames holding our table numbers. We’re sitting with Justin and Miranda and Nathan and Amanda on the dais. I’m surprised they didn’t want to sit by themselves.

We all stand by our chairs with the exception of Nathan and Amanda, who are introduced. They stroll down the wooden path hand in hand, smiling from ear to ear. Chase has his arm around me and pulls me close as the newlyweds make their debut.

Once the DJ finishes the introductions, the keys of a piano sound over the speakers, the beginning riff of A Thousand Years leading Nathan and Amanda into their first dance. Christina Perri’s voice pours through the space as the guitars kick in and my heart squeezes. This is one of my all time favorite songs. It already stirs such strong emotions within me, and now I have this beautiful memory to add to the sentiment. Nathan takes Amanda’s hand and pulls her close as he whispers something for only her to hear. Her whole face brightens into a huge smile before she pushes up and kisses him.

Once the bride and groom have finished their wedding dance, the DJ asks all of us to come dance with them. The music changes to Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud and Chase drags me onto the dance floor. Wrapping his arms around me, he holds me close and we dance, cheek to cheek. As we sway to the music, he sings the lyrics softly in my ear.

I’d love nothing more than to love him until we’re seventy. I’m just too chicken to say it out loud. How can one person damage me so

completely? Right now, I’m living in the moment, but I know there’s going to come a time when that won’t be good enough. I hope I can work through my demons by then and give Chase the love and life he deserves.

The song ends and everyone leaves the dance floor to find their seats. As the servers come around with our appetizer of cold seafood salad with Meyer lemon vinaigrette over mixed greens, Justin stands, lifting his glass in the air.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” he asks, looking into the crowd. “I would like to make a toast, but before I do, I’d like to share a story with everyone.” Turning, he looks back at Nathan, who looks surprised.

“This should be good,” Chase whispers in my ear.

“When I first met Nate, we were in our first year of Harvard. I met Chase a few weeks earlier, since I originally wanted to go into law, and we all know how well that worked out. Anyway, Chase and I went out for a drink at the local bar near campus, and this guy,” Justin says, motioning to Nathan, “was trying to pick up this really hot chick. The only problem was she had friends. Really hot friends, and everyone knows you can’t pick up a chick who has friends if you’re by yourself. So, being the great guys we are, Chase and I jumped over to be his wingmen. I mean, you can’t leave a guy hanging like that.” Laughing, Nathan nods his head and smiles.

Amanda narrows her eyes, staring at Justin. Grinning, Justin shrugs his shoulders and continues. “Everything was great, we went out all the time—the three of us were like the ultimate chick magnets. Until, he met Amanda.” Justin pauses as he turns to her. “Yes, she broke up our bromance—no more partying for Nathan, he was done.” Amanda glares, her mouth parting as if she’s about to add in her two cents, when Justin continues. “But, he’s happy.” Justin turns to Chase. “Happier than we’ve ever seen him, right? It’s disgusting how he gets all goofy at the mention of her.” Chase nods his head in agreement. Amanda’s features soften as a small smile tips her lips up. “You have changed him for the better, and for that, we thank you.”

Justin holds his champagne flute high. “Here’s to the woman who made our bro fall madly in love, to the point that we’re jealous of what you two have. Justin, Amanda, here’s to many years of love and happiness. Cheers!”