“You knew where we’d be?” I ask Chase.

“Not exactly, but both Miranda and Amanda love to dance. There were only two places you could have gone. We got lucky and found you at the first stop.”

“Go on,” I say, sipping my coffee.

“So, we get out of the cab and you take off again.”

“Shit, why don’t I remember any of this?” Justin says, rubbing a hand over his face and flinching when he hits his eye.

“I black out when I drink too much,” I offer.

“Yeah, well, I don’t. I swear someone put something in my drink.”

“Anyway,” Chase interrupts, “you ran into the club the girls happened to be in and started screaming Miranda’s name across the bar.”

“Oh, fuck.”

“Yeah. So, you spotted Miranda with some guy’s hands all over her. I was about to help you get her, when I saw this one,” he says, nodding in my direction, “having the same problem in the middle of the dance floor.” The front door opens and all eyes move to Nathan as he walks in. “Nate, you’re just in time. Boom Boom Mancini over here doesn’t remember last night.”

“Are you kidding! There was almost no wedding because of this asshole.”

“What?” Justin and Chase ask in unison.

“It’s fine now. Just know there was some drama in our house last night. I think we woke up both sets of parents between the yelling, and then the fucking.”

“Aw, really! TMI.” Justin cringes, holding his hands up to his ears. Chase just chuckles.

“Can I finish my story now?” he asks, waiting until we’re all paying attention before continuing. “So, you take off through the crowd and I head toward Olivia. I didn’t see anything after that until Olivia pointed to you pounding on that guy and asked me to do something.”

“I was right there. He was like a madman. I’ve never seen him so angry about a chick before. He grabbed the guy and started swinging,” Nate adds.

“I remember parts of that. That scumbag was all over her. He needed to be put in his place, but I don’t remember the actual punching.”

“Well, from the look of it, he got in a few good jabs,” Chase comments, making Justin rub his cheek.

“And was Miranda pissed,” Nathan says, whistling through his teeth. “You couldn’t understand why she was so angry.”

“That I sort of remember.”

“Dude, I didn’t think you had it in you,” Nathan says, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Had what?” Justin asks.

“You’re whipped,” Chase answers. “In all the years I’ve known you, you’ve never acted like that for a chick. Face it, you’re in love.”

“No.” Justin scrunches up his face in confusion before looking at Chase. “You think?”

“I know. I guess it was inevitable,” Nathan says with a smirk.

Chase nods in agreement. “Yup. Stick a fork in you, you’re done,” he chuckles.

“Fuck. Well, that would explain the weird things I’ve been feeling lately. Shit, she’s still not talking to me.”

“You better get over there and fix things. If this wedding doesn’t go off perfectly, Amanda will kill me,” Nathan says, pointing at Justin before directing his attention to Chase and me. “I just came by to tell Olivia to be at my place by one. There’s a hair stylist and makeup artist coming.”

“Okay,” I reply. I look over at Chase, my eyes narrowed. I could have slept another half hour and still been on time. He sees me and smiles. Prick.

“Alright, I’ve got to go, not that I’m anxious to get back.”