“We’re just waiting on Nathan’s parents,” Amanda says.

“Yes, they are taking forever,” Amelia mumbles before sipping her champagne.

“We’re right here,” a woman in her late fifties calls out as she walks out of a bedroom, her husband following behind.

“Can we get this over with?” Charles mumbles into his dark drink.

“Olivia, these are Justin’s parents. Meet Charlotte and Carter Berkeley.”

“Chase, sweetie! How are you,” Charlotte coos, enveloping him in an embrace. Releasing him, she extends her hand to me. “Pleasure to meet anyone who has captured Chase’s heart.” Smiling, I shake her hand as Chase shakes Carter’s.

Sliding next to me, Chase puts his arm around my waist, pulling me close. “So, are we going or what?” Carter calls out to no one in particular.

“Yes,” Amanda answers quickly. “The wedding director is waiting for us down by the beach.”

All of us exit the villa, making our way to the beach, Amanda’s parents trying to stay away from Nathan’s. I wonder what Christmas would look like.

As soon as we arrive, the wedding coordinator makes her way over to Amanda. After a quick round of introductions, Sheila, the coordinator, starts giving out instructions. The men are on one side and the women are at the back with the bride. Both sets of parents look bored, though I’m not really sure why they both needed to come. Rehearsal goes through without a hitch and once finished, Nathan’s parents disappear without a word while Amanda’s announce they are going for drinks at the restaurant.

“Okay, let’s talk about where we’re going tonight,” Miranda says to Amanda and me.

“Oooh, we can go to the Havana club,” Amanda squeals.

“You boys are going gambling, right?” Miranda asks Justin.

“Yeah, I think so,” he replies, looking over at Chase and Nathan. “What do you guys think, Casablanca Casino?”

“Probably. I think we’re going to play it by ear,” Chase answers. Nathan nods his head in approval.

“Well, it’s getting late. Ladies, I think we need to get ready,” Miranda says. “Say, catch the boat shuttle at seven? That gives us a little over an hour to get ready.”

“That’s perfect since we’re leaving in twenty minutes,” Justin says to Amanda. She looks at Nathan and he just shakes his head while shrugging his shoulders. It appears Justin is running the show. Maybe I should be worried.

“No strippers, Justin,” Amanda warns.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be good,” he answers with a wink.

“You better,” Miranda says. Justin gives her a huge smile.

“Alright, ladies, I’ll meet you at the dock at seven,” Amanda tells Miranda and me.

Chase takes my hand as we walk back to our villa. “Strippers?” I ask.

“No, Justin knows better. Amanda will cut his balls off if she finds out there were strippers.” I sigh, relieved.

“Good. I don’t want you thinking of anyone but me tonight.”

“Always,” he murmurs.

We get back to the villa and I search my suitcase for something suitable for tonight. Thank God I packed my little black dress. Laying it out on the bed, I go take a quick shower. As I come out, Chase is dressed and ready to walk out the door. He looks incredibly handsome, dressed in khaki shorts and a white, button-down linen shirt.

“Remember, you’re mine,” he says, pulling me into his arms.

“Will you just go have a good time with your friends,” I say, playfully pushing on his chest.

Before releasing me, his gives me a long, passionate kiss—the kind of kiss that makes me regret telling him to go—then walks toward the door. Turning, he reaches into his pocket and hands me a wad of cash. “Take this,” he murmurs.
