The rest of the morning was a blur. Bodies massaged, faces primped, fingers and toes shiny new, by the time we’re finished, it’s close to one. Once our nails are dry, we set off to the Lotus restaurant to meet up with the guys.

“Let’s wait for the boys at the bar. They should be here soon,” Amanda suggests.

“Yes, great idea. I could use a glass of champagne,” Miranda says, scurrying off ahead of us.

“Good afternoon, ladies, how can I be of service?”Our bartender has a dazzling smile that would make any girl blush, and his accent is sexy as hell. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s Australian.

“We would like a bottle of champagne, do you have a list?”

“Beautiful lady, we have anything and everything you desire. Is there a particular champagne you have in mind?”

“What do you guys think?” Amanda asks us both.

“I like Dom,” Miranda answers.

“I personally love Clicquot,” I mention.

“Ohhh, that’s good, too,” Miranda agrees. “What about you, Amanda?”

“Either one is good.” Amanda turns to the gorgeous bartender. “Do you have Clicquot?”

“Of course, give me just a minute,” he says before walking away.

“I don’t know about you girls, but I am starving.” Miranda reaches across the bar, picks up three menus, and hands one to each of us.

Glancing at the menu, I notice lots of fish and salads. Perfect for lunch.

“I hope he brings back more than one bottle. Between my and Nate’s parents arriving soon, I’ll need to have a good buzz going to deal with them both.”

“What time are their flights?” I ask.

“I’m not sure. They aren’t flying commercial, so it’s whenever they boarded the plane back in NY.”

The bartender appears carrying three bottles of Clicquot. He places two in ice behind the bar, sets three champagne flutes on the bar top, and pours us each a glass.

“Ladies, my name is Noah. Anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you, Noah,” Miranda flirts.

“And your names are?”

“I’m Miranda, this is Olivia, and this is Amanda. Amanda is getting married tomorrow.”

“Beautiful names, for beautiful women.” Noah smiles, a dimple popping out of his left cheek. I sit quietly.

“What accent is that?” Amanda asks coyly.

“I was born a few miles north of Sydney.”

“I knew it! I knew that accent was Australian!” Miranda shrieks. Noah looks over at me and smiles.

“What about you, lovely lady?” I take a sip of my champagne.

“What about me?”

“Were you taking mental guesses? It’s okay, everyone does.”

“Not really. I’m not really good with accents.”