I’m the first to arrive, with thirty minutes to spare, which turns out to be a good thing. Approached by the receptionist, she asks me to fill out a brief consultation card, also informing me arriving early gives me time to enjoy the facility.

If the rest of the spa looks as good as the lobby, we’re in for a fantastic day. Sitting down on the pillow-covered couch, I fill out the short questionnaire. As I finish, I hear high pitched squeals. I turn and catch Miranda entering with who I assume is Amanda. “Olivia, there you are!” Miranda says, as she waves from across the room. I give a quick wave back.

They sit across from me, filling out the same cards. “Wait until you see what’s in store for us today,” she squeals, adding, “Oh, Olivia, this is the bride to be.”

“Hi, Amanda. Congratulations,” I murmur uncomfortably.

“Thank you, Olivia. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you.”

“Did you get a look at that masseuse? He is hot!” Miranda blurts. Amanda rolls her eyes and I try to stifle my giggle.

“Right this way,” the receptionist interrupts, and we follow her to a private cottage.

“I chose the Dead Sea mud therapy to start. I hope you girls don’t mind,” Amanda says.

“Nope,” Miranda and I answer.

We are all instructed to go into a changing room and strip, coming out only in a terry-cloth wrap. “We will start with a full body brushing and exfoliation with Dead Sea salt. Then, your body will be covered with nourishing minerals found in Dead Sea mud, which are absorbed into the skin,” the receptionists says, then leaves.

We are each brought into a separate room. “Good morning, Olivia. My name is Cindy, and I will start with the body brushing and exfoliation. This will sweep away dry, dull, rough cells to reveal smoother, softer skin while stimulating your circulation and enhancing cell renewal. Please, take off your wrap and lie on the bed, face down,” my therapist says.

“Okay.” I remove my wrap and lie down on the massage table, which is more like a bed. She immediately covers my ass with a towel and starts to spread the warm sea salt mixture across my back and arms, lightly pressing as she applies. It feels strange at first, but once I get used to the harshness, it’s quite enjoyable.

“Please, go shower and then come back here.” Cindy motions me to a large room with a single stall.

Once rinsed, I return to find a large vat of mud next to the bed. Motioning for me to lay down, Cindy says, “Dead Sea mud will effectively remove the harmful toxins and dangerous pollutants from the unseen pores.” Sounds good to me.

Cindy gradually distributes the hot mud across my skin. It’s smooth, but thick and heavy. As she spreads the viscous liquid, she massages it into my skin. The warmth from the mud and the gentle kneading of my muscles feels incredible. Repeating the process on my front side, only a part of me has been spared. “I will be back in fifteen minutes, when the mud has thoroughly dried,” she says as she leaves the room.

Fifteen minutes later, Cindy returns, instructing me to shower. After washing the mixture off, which wasn’t an easy task, she leads me into a larger room with three massage tables. As I’m walking in, Amanda and Miranda appear, each from a separate room. “Here you will receive the COMO Shambhala massage. Enjoy the rest of your day.” With that, she leaves.

My masseuse, Rocky, instructs me to lie on my stomach. Doing as I’m told, I lay across the table. Once situated, he slides the wrap down my back to cover only my ass.

Getting to work, he starts at my neck, working all the way down to my feet. “You’re muscles are very tight,” he murmurs as he works his magic.

“Am I the only one who could stay here all day?” Miranda asks on a sigh.

“No, this is amazing,” Amanda answers. This has definitely been an amazing experience so far.

Finishing my back, he motions for me to flip as he pulls the wrap back up my body. Starting at my feet this time, he applies pressure points to my soles. I close my eyes and enjoy the pampering.

A short ninety minutes later, our massage is complete. “Thank you,” I manage to say before Rocky leaves. Another woman appears, directing us to the facial room. Geez, more?

“I needed this, so I figured if I had to go through it, so did you girls,” Amanda announces.

“Go through what?” I ask.

“I don’t want puffy, red eyes. This facial is supposed to relieve tired, swollen eyes.”

“Oh, we’re gonna need to come back after the wedding,” Miranda interjects.

Three more therapists enter the room, carrying a selection of creams and serums. “This is the Sundari Beautiful Eyes treatment. The Chamomile Eye Oil smoothes and replenishes delicate skin around your eyes. It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Our Neem Eye cream is healing, and reduces puffiness and dark circles,” my therapist informs us.

She starts to apply the oil first, gently rubbing right underneath my eyes. Finally, she spreads paraffin across my cheeks and chin, which will harden into a mask. “This will take about ten minutes to dry, then I will peel off the mask and rub the rest of the cream into your skin.” As she leaves, she places two slices of cucumber across my eyes.

“Anybody know the reason behind these cucumber slices?” Amanda asks, giggling.

“No idea,” I answer.