Cade had gone out and gotten a haircut this morning. It’s still on the longer side, but now just past his ears which is a vast improvement and the rodent that was on his face is now gone.

Cade starts to back out. “Stop!” I cry and he slams on the brakes. “I don’t feel so good,” I mutter, reaching for the door handle. I push it open and tumble out of the car, running for the house. I don’t make it far before I stop in the middle of the yard and throw up.

“Thea?” Xander calls worriedly, and a moment later his hand touches the small of my back. “Are you okay?” he asks, pulling my hair away from my neck.

I inhale a ragged breath, trying to calm my rolling stomach.

“I think I’m okay,” I say after a moment. “Just nerves.”

His brows knit together, and I can tell he’s unconvinced.

“I need to go brush my teeth,” I mutter, pulling away from him.

His hand falls from my hair and he follows me back up the driveway. Cade’s already opened the garage door so I head right inside and up the stairs.

“Thea?” Xander probes as he follows me. “What’s going on? I’m worried.”

I flip on the bathroom light and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste—practically the only essentials left in the bathroom.

“I don’t know,” I tell him honestly. “I really think it’s just the nerves,” I explain, but I’m unconvinced, and I can tell he is too.

“Do you think it’s that bug or whatever you had a few weeks ago?”

I shrug. “Idoubtit,” I say, my voice garbled around the toothbrush. I spit and rinse my mouth. “I took antibiotics for it, so I doubt it’d come back, especially this soon.”

“But you feel okay, right?”

“I’m a little tired, but that’s normal.” I wipe my mouth and reapply my lipstick.

“I just want to make sure you’re well enough for the trip. I don’t want to be …” he trails off, realizing he’s about to spill too many details.

“You don’t want to be what?” I pester.

He bites his lip. “I don’t want to be out of the country with you sick,” he admits.

I raise a brow, fighting a smile. “We’re leaving the country?”

“Yes, but I’m not telling you where. Not yet, at least.”

I turn the light off and we go through the whole process of leaving the house again.

When we slide into the car, Cade immediately launches into a tirade. “Are you sick again? Should we go to the doctor? You can skip graduation if you need to, Thea. Your health comes first.”

Honestly, my brother takes overprotective to a whole new level.

“I’m fine,” I assure him. “Jace and Nova are probably wondering where we are, so let’s go.” I wave my hand in a gesture for him to hurry up.

He watches me in the rearview mirror so I paste on a smile and that seems to make him feel better.

Honestly, I feel fine now, like I wasn’t just sick. In fact, I feel like I could go run a mile. I better not get ahead of myself—I hate cardio, unless it involves sex with Xander then I’m all over that.

We arrive at the café and my stomach rumbles. It’s nearly ten in the morning and I haven’t eaten anything yet—which might explain why I got sick.

Jace and Nova stand outside his truck. She stands in front of him and he has his arms wrapped around her from behind, his head ducked into her neck. He must say something because she laughs, smiling a big smile, which in turn makes me smile. Jace has always been a bit … intense and broody, but Nova brings out the best in him and vice versa. I’ve never seen two people more well-matched … except maybe Xander and myself, because we go together pretty damn well.

Cade parks the Jeep by the curb and we all hop out. Jace and Nova walk over to meet us and hugs are exchanged.

We head inside and get a table. A waitress immediately takes our drink order and then we all peruse the menu, trying to decide what we want for breakfast.