Like Rae, all we have left to pack is our clothes. I would’ve already had it done, but since he kicked me out of our room, I couldn’t.

He takes my hand and guides me up the steps. I frown at the bare walls that were once covered in family photos.

I know that the move doesn’t undo three years worth of memories, but it still hurts. I’m thankful, though, that we lived with Rae and my brother—and my mom for a time. It brought me so much closer with them all, and taught me a lot about them and myself.

Xander leads me into our room and Prue trails behind us, her blond hair a shaggy mess. She needs a trim, but I prefer her fur long and fluffy.

She plops on the floor where her bed would normally be, but since it’s already packed away, there’s only a bare spot on the floor.

My mouth pops open. “Xander,” I scold, “who’s going to watch the dog while we’re gone?”

“Relax.” He fights a smile, bending down on the floor to assemble a box. “Jace and Nova are handling the move and taking care of Prue. I would’ve asked Cade and Rae since Prue knows them, but considering they’re moving too I didn’t think that was fair. So she’ll stay with Jace and Nova until we get back.”

“Does Jace even know how to take care of a dog?” I wrinkle my nose.

Xander chuckles and flicks a piece of too-long hair from his eyes. “Probably not, but I’m sure Nova can handle it—besides, it’s not that hard. I even wrote out strict instructions for them about what time she eats and goes out.”

I inhale a steadying breath. “You really have thought of everything.”

His lips tip into a smile. “Told you so.”

I finally give in to the fact that we’re leaving. Amidst the chaos of our lives right now it feels like the completely wrong time to uncheck from reality but when is the right time?

The summery royal-blue dress with yellow flowers I’m wearing for graduation hangs from the back of the closet door, ready for graduation tomorrow. I was ecstatic when I happened along the dress since it’s our school’s colors. It’s cheesy, sure, to wear the school colors on graduation but I’m feeling nostalgic.

Xander’s outfit for tomorrow lies folded on the floor along with another change of clothes for after.

“I’m assuming my dress won’t be appropriate for travel?” I hint, and he nods. “So,” I drag out the word, “would you mind giving me a hint as to what I should wear?”

He smirks. “Dress comfortably.”

I groan. “Ugh, what does that even mean?”

He shrugs. “Wear sweatpants and a top.”

I roll my eyes. “I can’t wear sweatpants.”

He chuckles, his lips tilting up in amusement. “That’s what I’m wearing.”

“Fine,” I grumble. “I’ll wear sweatpants.” I spit the word like it’s venomous—which to someone fashion obsessed like me that’s exactly what it is. Don’t get me wrong, I’m perfectly fine wearing sweatpants at home, but in public? No thanks.

I end up picking out a pair of yoga pants and a fitted black tank top. I figure it’ll be comfortable and the pants make my ass look amazing—at least that’s what Xander tells me. I add a sweatshirt to carry-on just in case it’s cold on the flight.

I add my tennis shoes to the pile of clothing as well as a baseball cap.

Xander starts packing while I gather the last of the items I’ll need to wear for graduation—a necklace, watch, and a pair of heels.

“Do you have everything you need?” I ask him, pointing to his pile of clothes.

He narrows his eyes on the items and then jumps up. “Shit, I almost forgot my watch.”

He runs across the room to a box labeled Dresser Items and comes back a moment later with his black watch—a gift from his parents for his team winning the Super Bowl two years ago.

I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of him than I was that day, as I watched the love of my life realize his dreams.

He adds the watch to the pile of clothes and sits back down on the floor.

“Hang on,” I say, this time being the one to jump up.