I cup the back of her neck and draw her to me, kissing her until we both have to stop and catch our breath.

I lower my head to the crook of her neck, pressing my lips to the spot where her pulse races.

Her pussy clenches around me, and I know she’s close.

I wrap my hand around her neck, applying a little pressure, and she clenches again.

So close.

I sit up and grab her legs, lifting her to meet me.

“Oh, my God.” Her head falls to the side and her lips part as she comes. Every little sound, every little gasp, I fucking own that.

I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than Nova coming apart beneath me, ripped at the seams by what I, and I alone, do to her.

A shiver runs down my spine as I try to fight my need to come, but it’s impossible. It hits me, and I’m unable to stop it. I come, shouting her name, with black spots dancing behind my eyes. I fall onto her, careful to hold my weight so I don’t crush her. It’s the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had in my life. Nothing has ever felt that powerful before.

I roll off her, my chest rising and falling rapidly as I struggle to get enough air into my lungs.

Nova turns onto her side and loops her leg through mine and drapes her arm over my body with her head pillowed on my chest.

Exhaustion so sudden that I don’t see it coming overtakes me, and I fall right to sleep.


I step out of the bathroom, drying my damp hair with a towel.

Jace looks up from his guitar and the notebook in his lap, scribbled with notes.

His mouth drops when he sees me.

“Y-Your hair,” he stutters, swirling his finger around his own head. “W-What color do you call that?”

I smile and sit down on the coffee table across from him, tilting my head to the side. “Me,” I answer.

He shakes his head. “You’re a brunette?” I nod. “I’ve never seen you with normal colored hair before. I mean, I always assumed you were a brunette, but it’s different seeing you this way. What made you decide to go back to your natural hair color?”

“You,” I answer.

“Me?” He sets his guitar down so it’s leaning propped against the couch.

I nod. “Yeah … your song you wrote … I kept thinking about it, how true it is. I dye my hair to hide who I am, who I really am. I don’t want to hide anymore.” I shrug, like it’s as simple as that.

He leans forward and reaches out, ghosting his fingers over my cheek. I lean into his touch with a sigh.

The decision to dye my hair brown again wasn’t an easy one.

After I moved to Colorado and was on my own, I knew I wanted to do something big—something my parents would’ve been horrified of. So, I dyed my hair purple. Then the colors kept changing, but while the color might’ve changed, I never did. I’ve still been the same old Nova underneath, and Jace helped me to realize that. I shouldn’t be ashamed of who I was or who I am.

It was time for me to go back to brunette—to embrace who I am.

“Do you hate it?” I ask nervously.

He grins. “You look beautiful. You’re always beautiful.”

I sigh in relief. “Thanks. It … It feels good. It feels right to be brunette again. I know that probably seems silly, it’s just a hair color, but—”

He presses a finger to my lips, silencing me. “It’s not silly. I understand.”