He lets go of my hands, and I sag against him. His fingers dig into my ass as he holds my weight. He fucks me desperately, like he’s afraid I’m about to disappear.

It feels too soon, but I’m coming. The peak hits and I cry out. He slams his lips to mine, our teeth crashing painfully together as he silences my cries. His tongue tangles with mine and I tug on his hair.

He comes a moment later, groaning into my neck with his fingers gripping my hips.

His body sags against mine as my legs fall to the ground.

Before Jace I’d never been fucked against a wall.

Now it’s happened twice. I’m convinced it’s my favorite place to have sex now.

We each struggle to gain control of our breathing, for the moment content to cling to each other as we come down from our high.

Several minutes pass before we find the energy to right our clothes. His makeup is ruined, a combination of sweat and frantic kisses, and I’m sure mine hasn’t fared better. There’s nothing I can do to try to salvage it.

Jace opens the door and we sneak out, back into the party.

More people have arrived and the hallway is thick with guests. We can barely push our way through. We pass Joel, making out with a girl dressed as Princess Peach. I smack Jace’s arm and force him to look.

He chuckles and slings his arm around my shoulders.

“Good, maybe the prick will get a girlfriend so he’ll stop staring at you.”

I shake my head, not about to argue with him again about Joel liking me. We round the corner into the family room and find that chaos has erupted.

Thea dances on the coffee table singing “You’re the One That I Want” to Xander, who stands with his arms crossed over his chest and a horrified expression on his face. She crooks a finger, urging him forward to sing with her. He shakes his head, trying not to laugh. Unfazed, Thea shrugs her shoulders and continues to sing and dance. Several other people sing along with her.

“She’s crazy,” Jace says in my ear. “But I kinda like her. Don’t tell her I said that, though.”

I laugh. “Don’t want anyone to know you have feelings?”

He grins, his eyes lighting. “I gotta keep my street cred.”

“I’m going to go get a drink,” I tell him, heading for the kitchen.

“I want one too,” he says, following.

I grab a beer out of the cooler on the counter and hand it to Jace, then grab another one for myself.

Jace clinks his bottle to mine.

“What are we cheersing to?” I ask.

He tugs his bottom lip between his teeth, thinking. “Possibilities,” he finally answers.

I nod, smiling. I like that answer. “To possibilities,” I echo.


“Balls. I think we need balls.”

“What did you say?” I look up from the glass I’m drying.

“Balls,” Eli repeats. “I think we should hang balls from the ceiling for Christmas.”

“You mean ornaments?” I ask, placing the glass back where it belongs.

“Oh,” Eli says with a small gasp. “That’s right. I forgot that’s what those are called.”