“Jacen,” Thea scolds, and I cringe at the use of my full name. Only my dad calls me Jacen, and I hate it for that reason alone. “You need to pick one or I’ll pick it for you.” The look she gives me says that I definitely don’t want her to pick it. She smiles at Joel beside her. “Do you like costume parties? You’re welcome to come if you’d like.”

Joel shrugs. “I’m working that night but if I wasn’t I’d love to.”

“Aw, too bad, what a bummer,” I say in a tone that shows I don’t think it’s a bummer.

Nova smacks my knee with the palm of her hand beneath the table.

Nobody seems to notice my comment, or if they do, they ignore it.

“Let’s dance,” Thea says to Xander.

“Sure.” He sets his drink down and Joel steps out of the booth so they can leave.

“Wanna dance?” Cade asks Rae.

Rae makes a face, like the thought of dancing is disgusting to her, but she nods. “Yeah, sure.”

“Do you mind, guys?” Cade asks, motioning to Nova and me.

“Not at all,” I say, glad to be rid of everyone. Well, except Joel.

I stand and Nova slides out of the booth so that they can go dance.

Nova takes her seat again and I do the same. We stare across the table at Joel who grins at us.

“Your friends don’t know, do they?”

“Know what?” Nova asks, playing innocent. When in doubt it’s best to act innocent.

“That you’re together. Or fucking. Or whatever it is

you guys are doing.”

I bristle.

“You can’t say anything,” Nova pleads.

“Why don’t you want them to know?” Joel asks, clearly confused why we’d keep this a secret.

“Because our friends are nosy fucks,” I mumble and Nova jabs an elbow into my side.

“It’s just easier this way,” she tells him. “The less complication the better. It’s hard to explain something to someone that you don’t quite understand yourself.” She looks up at me through thick dark lashes.

Joel raises his hands in surrender. “I’m not going to say anything to them.”

“Thank you,” she says, sagging in relief.

Joel stands. “I’m going to go get another drink. You guys want anything?”

We shake our heads.

I breathe a sigh of relief once he’s gone.

“Come on.” I stand. “Let’s dance.” I hold out my hand to her and she looks at it like it’s a snake that might bite her.

“What if they see?” she whispers.

“It’s just a dance. We’ve danced together before.”