I head to the back and grab my bag and coat. On my way back out, I wave at Brenda.

Outside, it’s grown chilly in the early October air.

The chill reminds me of Thea stopping by and the impending Halloween party. I like Halloween, but parties aren’t my thing, however I know I need to make more of an effort to do things with my friends. Ever since I moved in with Jace, it’s become even easier to ignore them and that’s not good. I’m lucky to have them in my life when otherwise I’d have no one.

It doesn’t take me long to make the walk back to the apartment. Once inside the building I’m thankful for the heat and I know that colder weather is on the way. I guess this is what I get for being a Texas girl in Colorado. Even though I still haven’t quite adjusted to the difference in weather, I’ve still decided Colorado is my favorite place in the world. It’s beautiful here. Lush green trees, and snowcapped mountains, it’s amazing. Sometimes I feel like I’m on an alien planet compared to the drabness of Texas. I suppose Texas isn’t that bad to other people, but that place will forever be tainted by sour memories.

I take the elevator up to our floor and head down the hall.

It’s quiet inside, and I wonder if Jace is even here. I saw his truck outside, but there are plenty of places he can walk.

I close the door behind me and look around. Jace’s guitar leans against the couch and his notebook rests on the table.

Before I can start toward it, I hear a noise and look up.

I smile as I spot him through the open window, sitting on the fire escape smoking a cigarette. His hair is a mess, like he’s run his fingers through it a million times.

“Hey,” I call and his head swivels to me.

“You’re home early,” he remarks, inhaling a drag of his cigarette.

I make my way to him and climb through the open window, sitting beside him on the metal grate. Below us traffic is stopped at the stoplight in front of our building.

“Yeah, Brenda told me I’d come home since it wasn’t busy. How’d the song writing go?” I nod to inside the apartment at his abandoned guitar.

“Good.” He grins and for a moment he looks almost boyish. “I finished one.”

“Are you playing it tonight? I want to hear it.”

His eyes grow clouded and he looks away. “I don’t know, maybe. It’s still so new. I like to work out the kinks first, but I like it, so who knows.”

I lean my back against the brick and stretch my legs out, wiggling my black-combat-boot-covered feet.

The sky is cloudy, with the barest hint of the sun peeking through.

Jace extinguishes his cigarette and we sit in silence for a bit.

“It’s cold,” he says a few minutes later. “We should go inside.”

I nod in agreement. The last thing I need is to get sick.

I climb through the window first and he follows, closing it behind us.

“Have you thought about your costume?” I ask him.

He makes a face. “No.”

“You better figure it out,” I tell him as I take off my coat. “All the good costumes will be gone.”

“What do you think I should be?” he asks, taking a seat on the couch. I sit beside him, tucking my feet under me.

“I don’t know.” I think for a moment. “What about Batman?”

He rolls his eyes, stifling a groan. “No. Everybody is Batman, or Superman, or something with man in it.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “Okay, so no to all of those.”

“Have you decided what you’re going as?” he asks.