This dude has no fucking right to try and get to know her. Why the fuck did Xander even bring him?

“Yes,” Nova says, leaning into him like she’s so interested. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

“That’s cool,” he says lifting his wine glass to his mouth. What kind of pansy ass drinks wine? “What are you studying?”

“Photography and graphic design,” she supplies. “How’d you get into football?”

This time I do roll my eyes. I know Nova has no desire to know about this guy’s reasoning for liking a fucking sport.

He rests his elbows on the table, angling his body toward her. He’s putting out all the signs that he’s attracted to her, and I’m not having it.

“I started playing when I was really young, only eight, and I stuck with it. I love it. I can’t imagine myself doing anything else.”

“But shouldn’t you?” I pipe in. “It’s not like you can play football for your whole life.”

He chuckles. “Of course. That’s why I have my realtor’s license. Maybe I can sell you a place if you ever need it.”

“Mhmm, sure,” I grumble, finishing off my beer. I lift the empty glass when I spot the waiter across the deck and he nods in acknowledgement.

When the waiter comes back with my beer he also carries a tray filled with food. Another waitress is behind him carrying another tray.

He gives me my beer and sets about unloading the food.

It smells great and looks even better, but still, I have no appetite.

It doesn’t help that Nova won’t stop jabbering with jock boy—that’s what I’ve dubbed him.

I cut into my steak with a force that rattles the table.

“Dude,” Cade says, his tone a warning one.

“Sorry,” I mumble, glaring at my plate like it’s what I’m mad at.

The anger at myself is building. I shouldn’t care if Nova flirts with some guy, even if she is doing it to bother me. It shouldn’t matter to me. I’ve always been able to shut off my emotions when it comes to this kind of thing and to have it suddenly bother me so much is jarring.

Dinner ends and we thankfully say goodbye to Sullivan and Xander, but not before I see Sullivan ask Nova for her number.

She gives it to him gladly, smiling at him the whole time.

But her eyes? Those are on me.

Taxis take us back to the hotel and we split off. Nova tries to stick with the others and get away from me, but I’m not having it and slip into the elevator with all of them.

They get off first, leaving me alone with her.

Thank God.

“I still don’t want to talk to you,” she says when she sees my mouth open in the reflection of the elevator doors.

Before I can respond, they slide open to the next floor and she steps off.

I follow.

“Jace,” she hisses when she notices I’ve followed her off the elevator. “Leave it be.”

This time I do pin her to the wall. I brush my nose against hers, fisting one hand in her hair and forcefully yanking her hair back. It’s not enough to hurt, but enough to show her I won’t be ignored. Her hands are on my stomach and she digs her long nails in so that I can feel them even through the fabric of my shirt.

I don’t even know what I intend to do, I just know I can’t let her go.