“I’m really happy to see you guys,” Xander says, smiling at each of us. “This is the best surprise. And you—” he bends his head to Thea “—I’ve missed you.”

He whispers something else and then kisses her.

“Ew.” Cade gags. “That’s my cue to leave. I have no desire to watch my sister make out. Bye.” He quickly turns on his heel and strides out the hotel doors.

Xander breaks from Thea with a grin. “I love you and this is amazing, but I have to go before I get in trouble.”

“I understand.” Thea stands on her tiptoes and kisses him one last time. “Can I see you later?”

“If I can get away I’ll let you know. No promises, though. Thanks for coming, guys,” he says to Rae and me. He hugs each of us before heading outside.

Thea watches him with a dreamy sigh. “I hope his ass always looks that good.” When she notices us watching her with amused expressions she adds, “I mean, I’d still love him anyway, but it’s a very nice bonus.”

Rae shakes her head and loops her arm through Thea’s while I take the other side.

I never thought I’d have friends like these—yes, they’re nosy, and all too curious about my love life, but they’re also the kindest, most thoughtful people I’ve ever met, and I’m lucky to know them.

Sometimes life gives you what you think you don’t need when you need it the most.

And me?

I needed friends.

We arrive back at the hotel and file into the elevator.

Thea gets off first, then Rae and Cade, and then I’m left alone, riding up to the eleventh floor.

The doors slide open, and I look down at my feet as I walk.

It’s a habit I developed because it means I don’t have to talk to people as often. If you’re not looking people tend to ignore you.

A pair of dark boots that are not mine enter my vision, and I freeze.

My gaze slowly travels up, and I find Jace sitting on the floor in front of our hotel room door. His head is bowed, his jaw firm. He must feel my stare because his head suddenly whips up and his green eyes connect with my brown ones.

“I didn’t have my key,” he says by way of explanation.

Anger surges in my veins, and I sling my room key at him so it lands in his lap. I turn promptly on my heel, heading back to the elevator and away from him, because I can’t stand to fucking looking at him.

I feel so humiliated.

He left me.

He put his fingers in me, his mouth on me, and he fucking left me.

“Nova,” he calls, and his hand grabs my arm a second later.

I swivel around and out of his hold. I’ve never been a violent person but I shove him as hard as I can and I’m pleased when he takes a step back. Granted, it’s only one, but it’s something.

“Nova,” he pleads.

“Shut up,” I snap. “You do not get to play Mr. Innocent here. Do not do that to me.” I point a finger at him. I’m way shorter than him, and trying to appear menacing is difficult, but his throat bobs and I hope he’s feeling remorseful, because he should. “I am not some fucking rag doll you can drag around and do whatever you want with. I am a person. I have feelings. And right now, I’m humiliated.”


“I said shut up.” I glare at him. He raises his hands innocently. “You kissed me last night. You kissed me this morning. You carried me to bed. You put your hands and mouth on me—yes, I wanted you to, but my point is you started it, and it’s completely unfair that you left. You hurt me,” I pause, inhaling a deep breath. “You hurt me,” I say again, because I want him to understand.

“I know I fucked up.” He rakes a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.”