“Yeah, I’m in,” I say. I’d say anything to get that sad look off her face. I might c

ome across as rough and hard to like, but with my few friends, I care about how they feel, and I don’t like seeing Thea sad.

She brightens a bit. “Good—talk to Jace about that too, please.”

“Sure thing.”

I salute her and then follow Rae out of the cafeteria where she waves impatiently for me, as if I wasn’t the one who reminded her that we needed to go.

We hurry across campus together and into class where I end up forced to sit beside Joel because we’re late.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I hiss.

Joel looks up with a smile. “We meet again.”

“Bite me,” I snap.

My anger is uncalled for, I know, because he hasn’t been a total dick, but I can’t help it. It’s like the world is conspiring against me and is going to insist on shoving the new guy down my throat just to spite me.

He chuckles. “You’d probably taste sour, and I prefer sweet, so no thanks.”

I’d think maybe I’d finally pissed him off, but he’s still smiling and looking at me like I’m hilarious.

I sigh and set my backpack on the floor by my feet. The desks in this classroom are built for two people, much like the ones I remember having in our science classrooms in my old high school.

Professor Blake breezes into the room. “Morning class, and welcome to advanced photography. I recognize many of you from last year—it’s good to see you back. We’ll be working on lots of different things this year and several of those projects will be with a partner. And lucky for you, you’ve already picked your partners.” No. “The person sitting beside you will be your partner for any and all projects. No exceptions,” she says, like she knows I’m having an internal freak out.

I look beside me at Joel and he smiles over at me. “Howdy, partner.”

Kill me now.


“You look pissed,” I comment as Nova takes a seat at one of the barstools.

“I need a drink,” she pleads, flicking her fingers for me to get a move on.

I grab her usual and slide it onto the bar top. I half-expect Matilda to magically appear and bitch at me for speaking to Nova, but, thankfully, today is her day off.

“What happened?” I ask, because it’s clear something happened. Nova doesn’t act irritated for no reason.

She shakes her head. “Just some guy that’s in almost all of my classes.”

I stiffen. “Did he … try something?”

She looks up at me, her eyes wide with horror. “Oh, God, no. I mean, he flirted a bit, sure, but nothing like that. I just don’t like him.”

“But he likes you?” And why the fuck do I feel mad about that possibility?

“I guess.” She shrugs, taking a sip of her beer. “I was pretty blunt that I’m not interested, but something tells me that didn’t faze this guy a bit.” She sighs heavily. “Then, I got stuck beside him in my advanced photography class and Professor Blake says whoever you sit beside is your partner for the year on any projects she doubles us up on. No exceptions,” she mimics what I assume is her professor’s tone. “I can’t work with this guy all year—because yeah, of course this class lasts all year and isn’t just a semester.” She covers her face with her hands and groans. Letting them fall, she continues, “I know I shouldn’t let this make me so mad, but I can’t help it.”

“We’re all allowed to get mad. It’s what makes us human.”

“I guess so.” She sighs again, and I can tell she’s unconvinced.

“You want something to eat?” I ask. Maybe if she gets food in her stomach she’ll be less grouchy. I always turn into an asshole when I’m hungry. Food makes everything better.

“Yeah, I’m hungry,” she admits. “And drinking on an empty stomach isn’t smart when I have class in the morning.”