I don’t want them to know that I’m living with Jace.

I know Thea and Rae will try to make a big deal out of it. They’ll think Jace and I are secretly dating or simply hooking up and they’ll pester me endlessly and that’s not it at all.

Rae and Thea are my friends.


He’s my best friend.

From the moment we were introduced to each other it’s like some part of me woke up and said, “Hello, I know you.”

We’re so similar and we just … click.

He’s easier to talk to than them and he gets me.

Most people don’t get me.

They see what I want them to see.

But not Jace.

He sees it all.

“Still haven’t told them?”

See? He reads my mind.

I turn away from the truck window and look at him. It’s almost dark now and his gaze is zeroed in on the road.

“No,” I admit.

“Why?” he asks.

I shrug. “No reason.”

He grins. “If that was the case then you would’ve told them.”

I sigh. “I don’t need everyone to know all of my business.”

“But it’s okay for me to know all your business?” he counters.

“You’re different.”

“Ah, I see.” He turns away with a little smirk.

“Oh, you do, huh?”

“It’s because I’m your favorite.”

I laugh and look out the window at the moon illuminating the sky. “Can’t argue with you there.”

“I am pretty great.” Sobering, he says, “Seriously, though, why haven’t you told them?”

“Because they’ll think it’s more than what it is,” I admit. “I’d rather avoid their pestering. Why haven’t you told the guys?”

“Same reason.”

“We’re too alike,” I mutter.