He raises a brow and points to the table. I notice the girl is gone.

“I want some cake.”

“Let me guess, you want a middle piece too?”

“Well, it’s a circle, so it doesn’t really matter.” He shrugs.

I glance back at Xander and Thea who are now cleaning their faces with napkins.

The caterer is already cutting the cake and placing slices on plates.

“Looks like your cake is ready,” I point out.

Jace rubs his hands together and licks his lips. “Cake,” he hums. “You want a piece?”


He heads off to get the cake, and I head back to our table.

My heels are still on the ground, and I kick them out of my way.

Heels are the work of the devil. I’m sure of it.

Jace returns a moment later and hands me my slice of cake with a flourish. It’s chocolate and covered in icing—and the more icing the better, in my opinion.

He pulls out his chair and plops into it. I notice he has two slices of cake on his plate and he’s already eaten half of one.

“This is so good.” He shovels a forkful into his mouth.

I stifle a laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jace this animated over anything ever, except maybe his music, and even then, he’s a little more subdued than he is now.

It is good cake, though.

He finishes his one slice and starts in on the second.

I’ve barely made a dent in mine.

“When is this thing over?” he asks after he swallows his next bite.

“It’s a wedding. It could last until the end of time.”

“Fuck me,” he mutters.

“Oh, honey, I’d love to,” someone says, but when I look around the only person I see is a little old lady that’s maybe eighty who I think is an aunt of Xander’s. She notices me looking and winks. Oh.

I quickly divert my gaze back to my plate.

Thankfully, it doesn’t last until the end of time and after another hour everyone starts to disperse.

Jace and I head to his car together. I have a car of my own but since we live together now we carpool a lot. It’s easier that way.

He drives an old black Chevy truck. It looks brand new, though, with the way it shines and the engine doesn’t sound ancient. The only thing I have against it is the stench of cigarette smoke that clings to the interior.

None of our friends notice us leaving together, for which I’m thankful.

I haven’t told Rae and Thea that I’m living with Jace, and as far as I know, he hasn’t told the guys, either.

It’s not that I don’t want them to know I’m living with Jace it’s that …