The guys at the wedding all reluctantly head that way and gather around the bride and groom. Rae grabs her camera, and the two of us start snapping photos. I can’t help but get one of the irritated expression on Jace’s face. He looks absolutely disgusted to have to be standing there.

Payback’s a bitch.

“Are you going to give me a lap dance first?” Thea asks as Xander gives her a slight push into the chair.

He bends forward so they’re eye-level. “You want me to dance, sweetheart?”

“I want you to take your clothes off.”

Laughter explodes out of him. “I love you,” he says when he regains control of himself.

He kneels on the floor then and lifts all the layers of tulle of her dress and dives under. Her eyes widen in surprise, and we all try not to laugh, but it’s hard not to when it looks like Xander is … well …

His head moves around and then back down and he comes away with the garter belt between his teeth and Thea’s cheeks successfully a bright red color. She doesn’t get embarrassed much, so it’s nice to see her feathers get ruffled.

Xander tosses the garter belt and we all watch to see who catches it.

“Fuck me.”

I can’t control my laughter at seeing Jace clutching the garter belt.

“Here, take it.” He tries to hand it to Cade.

Cade refuses it and shakes his head. “Nah, man. It’s all yours.”

Jace dangles the garter belt from his finger and looks right at me. I snap a picture and then a few more as he flicks it at me. I manage to get a shot of it flying through the air.


I bend and pick the garter belt up off the floor and carry it back over to him. “If I have to keep the flowers then you have to keep this.”

He grabs it and crumbles it in his fist before shoving it in his pocket. “Traditions are silly,” he mutters, but I can tell he’s secretly amused by the whole thing. After all, the irony of me “catching” the bouquet and him the garter belt is laughable. Both of us are the ones most likely to never get married. “When are we getting cake?”

he calls out to Xander and Thea who are completely lost in one another again.

Thea glances over and then up at Xander. “Wanna cut the cake?”

He shrugs. “Sure.”

“Cake’s happening now,” she calls over to Jace.

“Confession,” Jace whispers, “I love cake.”

I watch as he turns and heads back to the table he was sitting at before. I notice one of the girls Thea has class with eyeing him, and I’m not surprised when she moves from her table over to his to sit beside him. He smiles and leans into her when she says something.

I sigh and avert my eyes.

I have pictures to take and watching Jace flirt is not part of that job.

Xander and Thea cut into the cake, and I’m not surprised when she nails him right in the face with cake. Xander ends up chasing after her to get her back and she makes it all the way to the other side of the dance floor before he catches her. He loops one arm around her waist and swings her around. His other hand with the cake comes toward her mouth. She pleads with him not to do it, but he doesn’t listen and she gets a face full of cake. They both can’t contain their laughter.

“Look at us.” Thea laughs. “We look ridiculous.”

He reaches up and tenderly clears her face of cake. “Ridiculous is good.”

“Does this mean we can eat the cake now?”

I jump at the sound of Jace’s voice right by my ear. “Jesus! Where’d you come from?”