It’s funny, because I used to think love makes you weak. Now I realize it’s the complete opposite.

Because of her, I’m stronger than ever before.

Because of her, I’m happy.

Because of her, I’m a better man.

So, life can throw whatever it wants at me—the good, bad, and the fucking ugly—because I’m ready.


I’ve probably driven Jace insane for the entire week leading up to this moment.

The moment where I finally, after four years, get to hold my son.

“Does this look okay?” I ask Jace.

“What the fuck?” His head whips up so fast from his journal that I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t have whiplash. “Are you wearing pink? I didn’t even know you owned something pink.”

“I borrowed it from Thea,” I mumble, ducking my head. “I wanted to look nice and I asked her if she could help me and she gave me this.”

“You don’t look like you.”

“Jace,” I whine. “I need to make a good impression with them so they’ll let me see him again.”

His brows draw together. “You might as well wear a fucking dress then.”

I huff. “You can’t say fuck every other word with them, either.”

He raises his hands innocently. “I’ll be good, promise.”

“Does it really look bad?” I ask, now doubting the flowing pink top.

He shrugs, his shirt stretching taut over his muscles. “No, it doesn’t look bad. You just don’t look like you. Don’t you think that’s important?”

“So, I should put my hair in a messy bun and wear my shirt that says Adios Bitchachos? I’m sure that’ll go over real well.”

“Well, maybe not that particular shirt.” He snaps his fingers together. “What about the one that says, All I care about is pizza (and like two people). That one is great.”

“I can’t wear one of those.” I sigh from the doorway. “They’ll think I’m insane. I’ll find something else. I’m sure I have something that will work.”

I take off the shirt from Thea and begin rummaging through my closet again.

I can’t remember a time when I’ve cared so much about what I look like.

After thirty minutes of rummaging through my closet I finally settle on a gray sweater and jeans. It’s not the nicest thing, sure, but it’s simple and it’s me. I think Jace is right, I have to stay true to myself. I can’t portray myself as someone I’m not.

“Are you ready?” Jace calls as I’m putting my boots on. “We needed to go like five minutes ago.”

I bust out of the room. “I’m ready.”

He grins when he sees me. “That’s my Nova.”

“I feel like I might be sick,” I tell him, my stomach suddenly clenching.

He shakes his head. “You’ll be fine. You’re stressing too much.”

I take a deep breath. “This is scary.”