I shower and shave, then dress in pair of slacks and a button-down shirt. I fucking hate getting dressed up, but I know if I show up in a t-shirt and jeans he’ll spend ten minutes berating me on my clothes. I’d rather skip that conversation and jump straight into it.

I find it strange that of all the places we could meet for lunch he had to choose where I work, but I guess it could be worse. At least I know the place so I’ll feel more comfortable, maybe that was his plan, but I can’t imagine him thinking about my feelings when it comes to anything.

I shrug into my coat and grab my keys, heading out the door.

The moment I step outside a heavy weight settles on my chest. It happens every time I have to see him.

I choose to walk, even though it’s freezing. I grab a cigarette and tap one out, lighting it. I haven’t smoked in a couple of weeks, I think, but suddenly, I need a cigarette more than anything.

I inhale the smoke and let it fill my lungs before breathing out.

By the time the cigarette is a small nub, I’ve reached the restaurant.

I drop the cigarette on the ground and extinguish it then head across the street and in the W.T.F.

I can’t help but smile, wondering what my father thought of the name and logo with the whacky looking fork. He probably wasn’t as amused as I am.

“You’re not supposed to work until tonight,” Eli says when I come in.

“I’m meeting someone,” I tell him.

“Oh. My bad.” He turns his attention back to the pile of papers at the table he occupies.

I head through the restaurant, scanning the tables. I’m early, but my Dad has probably been here for thirty minutes.

Sure enough, I find him at a table in the back, off to himself.

I’m sure he asked to be seated away from everyone.

“Hello, father,” I say formally, removing my coat and draping it over the back of my chair.

He watches my movements, probably looking for anything I do wrong.

I slide into the chair across from him.

“Where’s your girlfriend? I assumed you’d bring her, since I requested her presence at our dinner we never had.”

“Leave Nova out of this,” I hiss. “I don’t know why the fuck you want me here, but leave me out of it. You lost the right to speak with her when you pried into her personal business.”

He huffs and unbuttons his suit jacket, lacing his fingers on the table. “I make it a point to check into anyone you’re involved with.”

“I’ve never dated anyone before,” I remind him.

“Yes—” his lips twitch “—but you have gone on dates, and you do have friends.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I snap. “You’ve checked into my friends too?”

He smiles like the cat that ate the canary. “I make it a point to know about anything that might come back on me. I’m sure I knew about your friends’ Vegas wedding before you did.”

I stare at him in disbelief.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he snaps. “Surely even you can understand why I have to do it.”

“You’re unbelievable,” I respond, half-tempted to leave. The only thing that keeps me from leaving is the fact that I know if I do I’m probably going to have to deal with more of his relentless calls.

“I’m sorry to interrupt—can I get you guys a drink? If you’re ready to order I’ll get that too while I’m here,” the waitress points to our closed menus.

“Hi, Kelly.” I smile at the waitress. She’s not one I work with often since I usually work nights, but she’s always been nice in passing. “I’ll just have a water and a cheeseburger.”