“You’re making me sick,” I joke.

“Oh.” She blushes. “Sorry.”

“Nah, I think it’s cute that you love him so much.”

She smiles and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “Sometimes it feels sort of surreal that we’re together.”

“I’m glad you guys finally saw what was right in front of you.”

She laughs. “I don’t know if getting married in Vegas was the right way to do it, but I don’t regret it.”

The waiter comes back with all our drinks and then takes our order.

“How have you been?” I ask Xander.

“Good,” he responds with a smile. “Glad to finally be home for a while.”

“Are you done for the season?” Jace asks.

“Yeah, our team is done for the year. I would’ve liked to make it farther, but we did good so I can’t complain. We’re going to do even better next year.”

“Hell yeah you are,” Cade chimes in, overhearing. “And we’re all going to be at every home game next year. Right, guys?” Cade eyes Jace and me.

I laugh. “We’ll do our best.”

Cade clears his throat and a hushed silence falls over the room. “Rae,” he prompts. “I’ve been wanting to ask you this for a while, but no time was ever right—I want you to know I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone.”

“Oh, my God,” Thea whispers under her breath. “I knew it.”

“Cade …” Rae starts.

He gets out of his seat and drops down on one knee in front of her, pulling out a small black box from his pocket. He pops it open, revealing the diamond engagement ring inside.

“We’ve been through more than two people should ever have to go through, but I’d go through it all again if I knew you’d always be waiting for me on the other side. Will you marry me?”

Rae stares at him, dumbfounded, but she manages to whisper, “Yes.” Then with more power she says, “Yes,” again.

She catapults out of the chair and into his arm and he laughs as the force rocks him.

“I love you,” she sobs. “Yes. A thousand times yes.” She kisses him and then he finally manages to get the ring on her finger. “Wow.” She gazes down at it. “That’s amazing.”

We all clap and congratulations are exchanged. Rae beams, but I can tell she’s still in shock. I know she wasn’t expecting it at all, because she would’ve told me if she suspected something.

Rae speaks to her mom, showing her the ring, and Cade stands back with the happiest smile on his face.

All of us are growing up and getting older and life is changing as we do. Last year at this time, Rae, Thea, and I had only known each other for a few months, and I’d only just been introduced to the others. It’s funny how short

a year can seem, but how much can change.

It makes me wonder what life might look like a year from now.

Something tells me it’s only going to be filled with more love.

Lunch takes two hours and afterward, Jace drives around for another hour. I know it’s nothing more than him stalling time but I don’t call him on it.

By the time we arrive back home I’m a jittery and shaking mess.

“I think I’m going to throw up,” I tell him honestly when he parks the truck. “I feel sick to my stomach.”