“Your stuff is still under the tree.” Rae points. I grab the gifts that are for me and Nova and find a spot on the floor to sit. Nova finishes handing out the gifts and sits beside me.

We all tear into our gifts.

Thea busts out laughing. “Oh, my God. Unicorn Meat.” She holds up a can that looks like a can of Spam but does in fact say Unicorn Meat.

Nova laughs with her. “You’re constantly saying you’re a unicorn, so.”

“This is hilarious.” Thea sets the can down. “But I could never eat myself.”

“I don’t know,” Xander jokes. “You taste good.” He bites at her shoulder.

“Ew, fuck! No! That’s my sister! Don’t talk like that in front of me! La, la, la!” Cade covers his ears with his hands.

Rae rolls her eyes and smacks Cade’s arm. “You’re being ridiculous. They’re married. You can’t freak out over everything one of them says.”

He lowers his hands. “Yes. Yes, I can, because that’s my sister, and you—” he points at Xander “—are gross.”

“Oh, please.” Thea rolls her eyes. “Do not act like you haven’t put your mouth on Rae’s vagina, because seriously.” She holds up a hand, daring him to speak.

Rae flushes and Cade glares at his sister. “Not everyone is as comfortable talking about sex as you are.”

Thea sighs. “You’re such a prude. Grow up.”

“Grow up?” he repeats. “I’m older than you.”

“Then act like it,” Thea spars.

“I love them,” Nova leans over and whispers in my ear. “They make me wish I had a sibling.”

“Eh, I think we’re pretty lucky that we don’t. That doesn’t look like fun to me.”

“I disagree,” she says, watching them in awe.

I finally look down at the gift in my lap and jolt. It’s a journal, inscribed with my name and the year. I flip it open to the first page and find written on it;

For songs.

Love Rae and Cade

I swallow thickly. I didn’t even know that they paid attention to my song writing. I know a journal probably seems like a simple thing to most people, but to me this feels like the world, because it means my friends pay attention to me more than I give them credit for.

“What is it?” Nova asks, like she senses the shift in me.

So fucking in tune with me it’s ridiculous.

I hand her the journal and her lips part. “Oh,” she murmurs. “Wow.” She runs her fingers over the black leather cover. “This is perfect for you.”

“Yeah, it is.”

“Glad you like it,” Rae says, noticing our conversation.

“I love it,” I say honestly. “Thank you.” I take it back when Nova hands it to me.

I set it aside and open my gift from Xander and Thea.

“Holy shit,” I curse when I see the contents of the box. “Are you fucking serious right now?” I ask, holding up the tickets.

Xander chuckles. “Told you he’d love them,” he tells Thea.