“Email from the university, welcoming me back. School doesn’t start for another three weeks. You’d think they could hold up until the day before to ruin my life.”

“Don’t go back then.”

I wrinkle my nose. “And what? Stay home and knit? I don’t think so.”

He chuckles. “Not what I had in mind.” He reaches over and tickles me. I try to swipe his hand away, but he’s stronger than me. My laughter fills the room and tears fall from my eyes.

“Okay, okay,” I breathe between laughing fits. “Stop, please,” I beg.

He gives me another tickle and then stops, smirking at me. I clutch a pillow over my stomach in case he gets any wild ideas.

A lot has changed in the last few weeks since that conversation with my mom.

She, Cade, and I all talked it over and agreed to see a therapist. We each have one appointment a week on our own and one with all three of us.

We’ve only been to one collective appointment together and today’s our second. The first was helpful, and I’m expecting today’s to be even more so. Like I told Cade, sometimes you need an unbiased person to talk things over with to put things into perspective.

“When do you have to leave for your appointment?” Xander asks, and I swear it’s like the boy can read my mind.

I glance at the clock. “Two hours.”

He grins. “Plenty of time to start a new show.”

We’ve long ago finished Charmed and plowed through Prison Break.

I stretch out on my stomach, stuffing the pillow under my chin. “What do you have in mind?”

“Supernatural?” he suggests.

“Ooh, I’ve heard great things about those Winchester brothers.” I waggle my brows and lick my lips.

His lips curl in disgust. “Maybe not then.”

“Too late.” I snatch the remote from the bed and switch to Netflix, finding Supernatural easily. He quits his pouting pretty quickly when the show proves to be fantastic.

“Thea!” Cade calls a while later. “Time to go.”

“Ugh,” I groan, and point at Xander. “Don’t even think about finishing this episode without me. I’ll cut you.”

He laughs and raises his hands innocently. “I won’t. I need to g

o to the gym anyway.” He wets his lips then and shuffles nervously.

“What?” I prompt.

“I scheduled for us to meet with a relator tomorrow to see some places.”

My mouth pops open. “And you’re just now telling me this?”

He shrugs, smiling sheepishly. “I figured you’d freak out if I gave you too much notice.”

“Yeah, well…” I touch my hand to my chest, where I can feel it constricting and cutting off my air supply. “I’m definitely freaking out.”

“Hey,” he says. “We’re just looking. That’s all this is.”

I nod. “Just looking,” I repeat.

I know moving in together wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. We already do live together but with other people. I guess, it all feels so fast to me. I’m still getting used to us being together and married. Living on our own? I don’t know if I’m ready for that, especially with still being in college. I’m probably being stupid. We get along great, so it’s not like I have to worry about him irritating the crap out of me. If anything, I would be the one irritating him.