Xander and I make it to the table and we both sit down, our bodies seeming to fold in on themselves. One of the rangers that brought us here brings us more water.

“Thanks,” I tell her with a grateful smile. If they hadn’t found us when they did we’d still be lost in the woods.

“What exactly happened?” Cade asks, now in concerned brother and friend mode.

I shrug, twisting off the cap of the water. “We both kind of zoned out and when we came to everyone was gone. We ended up going over this waterfall—”

“You fell off a waterfall?” Cade looks horrified.

“Like a baby one,” I explain. “It was probably six feet.”

“Six feet is more than you think,” he says.

I shrug. “It wasn’t so bad. The swim was worse, and then the walk.” Xander grunts. “Okay, so he carried me, so it wasn’t so bad for me.” I lift my foot in the air. “The river ate my shoes. May they rest in peace.” I sigh, brushing my hair over one shoulder. “I could really use a cookie after this. Can we go home now?”

Cade nods. “Yeah, let’s go. You guys need to shower.”

I mock-gasp. “Are you implying we smell? How rude.”

He grins. “You definitely smell, but I’m happy you’re alive so I won’t complain too much.” He reaches over and ruffles my hair.

“Ow,” I cry, when his fingers tangle in the strands. Between the beating in the water and the trek through the woods while sweating bullets, my hair is a matted mess.

“Sorry,” Cade says sheepishly, untangling his fingers from my hair. I rub the sore spot, glaring at him.

We stand from the table and head for the area where we parked. It’s not really a parking lot, more like a section of dirt and grass that everyone decided to pretend was one.

We say goodbye to Nova and Jace, even though we’ll see them later at the barbeque, and get in Cade’s Jeep. I’m glad now that he drove and we all rode together, because I feel like collapsing, and I’m sure Xander does too.

I click my seatbelt into place and lay my head on his shoulder. In no time I’ve fallen asleep and I don’t wake up until the car stops in the garage.

I sit up, blinking rapidly as the garage forms around me.

“I’m so tired,” I whisper to Xander as we head into the house and then up the steps.

He nods, opening the door to my room, then closing it behind us. “I shouldn’t be, but I am,” he agrees. “I think now that the adrenaline has worn off I’m exhausted and now it’s beginning to set in how bad that could’ve been.” He stares at me seriously. “Come here,” he whispers, his voice husky.

My heart stutters. He has that look in his eye—the one that promises so many wicked and delicious things—and suddenly, I’m not so tired anymore.

I take a step, and then another, until his hands grasp my waist and he pulls me flush against his body. My hands land on his chest and I look up at him a moment before his lips descend on mine. He kisses me like he’s scared it’ll be the last time and I can taste the fear he held at bay while I was the one freaking out.

He suddenly grows frantic, pulling my shirt up and off my body as he backs me into the bed.

“Need you,” he whispers in between kisses. “Right now.” He reaches for his belt buckle while I kick off my shorts. In only a few seconds’ time, there are no clothes left between us and we fall onto the bed, a tangle of limbs. He separates only long enough to grab a condom and put it on, and then he’s inside me and we’re both crying out in relief. There is no foreplay, we’re both too desperate. I didn’t even know I needed this, but I did. I so did.

I grip his hair and his fingers dig into my hips hard enough to bruise. We’re both frantic, close to losing our grip on reality in a matter of seconds. It’s never been like this before—except for maybe Vegas, but I can only remember that in short blips—but I don’t mind it. Sometimes you need slow, and other times you need to fuck hard, pure and simple.

My back arches and I come. He pumps into me two more times and then he comes too. We both pant, gasping for air, with our limbs tangled together.

I nuzzle my head into his neck and my eyes flutter closed. I want nothing more than to wrap my body around his and drift off to sleep for the rest of the day. Alas, the real world beckons.

We give ourselves a moment to catch our breath and then we head for the shower.

We’re going to be more than a little late to the barbeque, which will probably piss my dad off, but it was unavoidable.

Well, I mean, I guess the sex was technically avoidable, but after our day, I think we deserved a moment to ourselves.

When I get out of the shower, I towel dry my hair and then gather it up in a bun. I don’t want to bother taking the time to blow dry it and style it. I change into a pair of high-waisted shorts and a red crop top. I grab my white Converse from my closet and sit down on my bed as I slip my feet into them.