Before I can blink, his arm winds around my waist and I’m slammed down on my bed. It jostles from the sudden impact and we bounce up and down. Laughter tears out of our throats. I smile over at him.

“That was completely unnecessary.”

He grins back. “You have a flair for the dramatics so I thought I’d give you a taste of your own medicine.”

I sit up and brush my hair from my eyes. “Seriously, though, why the blindfold?” I hold it up, dangling it from my finger.

“I have a surprise for you.” He smiles shyly and looks away.

I narrow my eyes. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing bad. You’re going to love this.”

“That’s what Cade and you said when I was five and you convinced me to eat that pepper. It burned my nose hairs, Xander. My nose hairs.”

He chuckles. “That was hysterical. You were such a gullible kid.”

“Hey.” I smack my hand against his solid chest and give him a look like really?

He raises his hands innocently. “This isn’t like that at all.”

I huff out a breath. “Do I at least get a hint?”

He narrows his eyes and glances around my room. When he finds what he’s looking for, he jumps from my bed and grabs my shark slippers, then proceeds to hold them out to me.

“My shark slippers? That’s my hint? Seriously?”

He laughs. “It’ll all make sense soon. I promise.”

I snort. “It better. But do I have to wear this?”

He sighs. “I guess not. I doubt you’ll know where we’re going anyway.”

“Great, now I’m more scared.”

I hold out my hand with the blindfold and he takes it from me. He tucks it into his back pocket and mumbles, “Saving that for later.”

I snort. “Keep dreaming, buddy, unless you want to be blindfolded.”

He grins widely. “That has possibilities too.”

I choke on my own saliva and he laughs, clearly pleased at having left me speechless for a change.

“What should I wear for this mysterious outing?”

He shrugs. “Casual. I’m changing into jeans and a t-shirt.”

“Darn,” I say, frowning. “I love those sweatpants.” I waggle my brows and eye the noticeable bulge there.

He shakes his head at my antics, but a blush lightly stains his cheeks. I’d think he’d be used to the inappropriate things that come out of my mouth, but I guess I’ve only very recently been brave enough to say them. The poor guy has no idea the kinds of dirty thoughts I’ve had over the years.

“We’re leaving in an hour,” he tells me, lingering in the doorway to my bedroom. “Come on, Prue.” He whistles and the dog jumps up from the floor and follows him out.

I immediately go into overdrive to get ready. He might’ve said this is casual, but I hardly think my no makeup, messy bun, pajama-wearing self will be allowed. Heck, I don’t even have a bra on. It’s been a lazy day, which was much appreciated after the craziness of this week and the dinner with Xander’s family last night.

Thankfully, they were thrilled for him, and he and Cade made up, but I was so stressed over the whole thing I probably wore a hole through my stomach lining.

With five minutes to spare, I slip my feet into a pair of black flats. I straightened my hair, opting to do something different from my norm, and dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans and a black and white striped top. I added a necklace and a bracelet to dress it up a bit.