Thea bumps her knee against mine and gives me another look. Just do it, this one says.

I clear my throat and shuffle in my seat. I feel like I’m suffocating. Cade gives me a funny look from where he sits across the table from me. He looks almost worried.

“Xander,” Thea whispers under her breath.

I scrub my hands over my face. By now, they’re starting to notice my odd behavior.

“Xander?” My mom asks hesitantly. “Are you feeling okay? Should you go lie down?”

I smack my hands against the wood table and blurt, “I made the team. I’m on the Denver Broncos.”

Silence. Absolute silence.

I’m sweating so bad now that my brow is damp. They all stare at me and I look up at the ceiling. I don’t want to see their faces. I don’t want to see the hurt there.

“Can you repeat that?” my dad asks.

I breathe out and lower my head, looking directly at him. I’m shocked to see not disgust but … but pride in his gaze.

“I’m playing for the Broncos,” I say again, and this time, I meet his eyes and then my mom’s, and finally Cade’s. Happy tears spring to my mom’s eyes and Cade looks—he looks surprised and hurt.

“I didn’t even know you tried out,” my mom says, clapping her hands together. “Oh, my God, this is great news.”

I laugh. “You don’t try out—they scout you.”

“Oh, right, of course,” she mutters, waving a hand through the air. “Oh, my God,” she says again. “I’m so proud of you! I have to hug you.” She jumps out of her seat and it thumps against the wall as it falls, but she doesn’t notice. In no time, she has her arms wrapped around me and she kisses the top of my head the same way she used to when I was a kid.

“Whoa, you’re famous now,” Xavier comments as my mom releases me.

“I’m not famous.” I laugh.

“I’m just so proud of you,” my mom says, clapping her hands together and tears now falling freely.

I glance toward my dad. He’s been silent and that worries me. “Dad?” I ask hesitantly.

“Wow.” He shakes his head. “I’m shocked, that’s for sure. I didn’t know you wanted to go down that path, but I’m proud of you. I really am.”

“You’re not mad?” I ask. “I know I kind of led you on with working for you, and I didn’t mean to do that, but I didn’t want to let you down,” I ramble.

He shakes his head rapidly. “Not at all. I mean, I’m certainly surprised, but not mad. This is a great thing for you, and you’ve always loved football, so if this is the path you want to go down, then that’s what you should do. Always follow your dreams.”

“Thanks, Dad,” I croak, getting choked up.

Finally, I look at Cade, and it’s safe to say he’s pissed. Can’t say I blame him.

“Can we talk outside?” he asks, his voice gruff.

He might not have punched me before, but I have a feeling he’s about to now.

“Cade?” Thea says softly.

He doesn’t answer her, simply pushes his chair back and stalks from the room.

I stand too, but before I leave Alexis calls out to me, “I’m so happy for you, Xander. You’re going to kick ass.”

“Thanks.” I give her a smile and then head out of the dining room, down the hall, and outside.

I find Cade sitting on the deck steps and I take a seat beside him. I stay quiet, waiting for him to speak first. A full minute ticks by before he speaks.