“Well, that went well.”

I press my lips together. I don’t have a response, and frankly, I don’t know how to make this right. If I was in Cade’s position, I’d be pissed too. I guess we just have to let things play out. We’ve fought before and we always work everything out in the end, I’m sure this won’t be any different. At least I hope not, because I don’t want to lose my best friend.

I can’t believe that happened.

Hours later I’m still in a state of disbelief. I haven’t spoken more than three words since Cade left and I’m pretty sure Xander thinks I’m in some sort of catatonic state. He keeps giving me really worried looks, but I don’t have the energy to reassure him that I’m okay, because I honestly don’t know if I am.

I’m pissed. Pissed at myself for not manning up—or I guess in this case, womanning up—and telling my brother.

In fact, I sort of feel like some divine entity is mocking me. I finally decide it’s time to tell him, and bam he catches us together. Someone, somewhere, is laughing their ass off at me. The fucker.

I flip the pages of the magazine I’m supposedly reading, but I don’t even have the energy to look at the pictures. Xander sits on the stool opposite me at the bar counter and Rae left a while ago to go look for Cade. I made her promise to text me if she found him, but I don’t even know where my phone is.

Xander sighs and picks up Prue from the floor, sitting her in his lap.

“Thea,” he starts, “talk to me, please. You’re scaring me.”

I flip another page in the magazine.

“Thea,” he says more firmly this time.

I lift my gaze to his. “I don’t want him to hate you,” I whisper. “You’re best friends. I don’t want you to fight over me.”

Xander’s shoulders sag and he lets out a relieved breath. “That’s what you’re worried about?” I nod and he smiles. “We’ll be fine, Thea. Don’t worry about us.”

“He’s really mad.” I frown, flipping another page in the magazine.

“Yeah, and I was really mad when we were six and he broke my Nerf gun. I got over it.”

I snort. “Yeah, well that was a toy and this is … This is big.”

He shrugs. “We’re guys. It’s the same difference to us. Things will be fine in no time, you’ll see. He just has to work through it in his head.”

“I hope you’re right.” I close the magazine and slide it across the counter.

“Maybe we should take Prue for a walk?” he suggests. “We’ve been in the house all day. It might do you some good to get out.”

I sigh. Going for a walk doesn’t sound appealing, but it might help me clear my head so it’s worth a shot. “Sure,” I say.

He lets out a relieved breath. “Good. I’ll get her leash.”

He carries Prue out of the room and I stand, stretching my arms above my head. My legs are stiff from sitting in the same position for too long, so I end up stretching them too.

I meet Xander by the front door and Prue wags her tail happily. We head out and down the street, not saying anything for aways, so I’m startled when Xander finally does speak.

“If I give you your ring back, will you wear it?”

I’d been looking at the ground, but my head shoots up at this. He appears nervous and looks away from me, letting the shaggy strands of his hair hide his face from me.

I swallow thickly. There are still lots of people who don’t know about this, but I suddenly don’t care.

After a lengthy pause, that I’m sure makes him sweat bullets, I say, “I’d love to wear it.”

He twists his head my way so quickly I’m surprised he doesn’t get whiplash. “Really?” He smiles like a sheepish little boy.

I nod. “Yeah.” I smile.

“Seeing a ring on your finger isn’t going to give you hives, is it?” he asks seriously, but his eyes sparkle with laughter.