She shrugs. “I don’t really like light colors.”

I sigh. “You both suck. I am a unicorn amidst trolls.”

I turn on the massage button of the chair and close my eyes. Maybe if I act like I’m asleep they’ll leave me alone.

“So, Thea married Xander.”

My eyes shoot open and I glare at Rae.

Nova gasps and leans forward in her chair so she can see Rae around me. “Wait, what did you say?”

“Exactly what you think I said.” Rae nods and presses her lips together.

“When?” Nova looks at me and even though she’s glaring at me I can still see the hurt in her eyes.

“Vegas,” I reply. “And this one—” I nod at Rae “—only found out this morning by accident, so don’t be butt hurt that I didn’t tell you.”

Nova whistles. “Whoa, this is … This is crazy.”

“I know,” I agree. “How do you think I feel? I’m living it.”

“I just … Whoa.” She shakes her head back and forth, like she can’t seem to wrap her mind around it. It is pretty insane, though. I’d be acting the same way if this situation was reversed.

“Cade doesn’t know,” I tell her. “So you can’t tell Jace.”

“I won’t,” she promises. “The last thing I want to do is get in the middle of that.” She raises her hands innocently.

I sigh. “He’s going to be so pissed.”

“It’ll be fine,” Rae assures me. “Don’t worry too much or you’ll chicken out.”

“So now I understand the need for this emergency girls’ day.” Nova laughs, wiggling her toes above the bubbles in the water.

Rae nods. “It was of the utmost importance.”

“Xander and you are together now, then?” Nova asks.

I fill her in on the details that Rae already knows from when she dragged me into the laundry room. “I really like him, guys,” I tell them, biting my lip nervously. “I’ve loved him forever, and being with him like this … It’s everything I always thought it would be, but I’m scared. We’re so young and there are a million obstacles in our way.”

Rae shakes her head roughly. “No, don’t think like that or you’ll psyche yourself out. I know being married right now isn’t ideal, but maybe that’s just the path you guys are meant to take. Let things play out the way they need to and don’t overthink it or push it one way or another.”

I inhale a lungful of air. I know she’s right, but it’s scary.

But I guess life would be awfully dull if we weren’t afraid.

I don’t get the chance to speak to Thea when she gets home, and it’s nearing one in the morning now. I slip into her bedroom through the connecting bathroom, careful that the doors don’t make noise.

She lies in bed and Prue pads in behind me, going to the corner where there’s a bed for her. Thea smiles when she sees me and pats the space beside her. It’s become our routine—me showing up, and her welcoming me.

I slip into bed beside her and an infomercial plays on the TV across from her bed. Without me saying anything, she switches it to Netflix and puts Charmed on; we’re up to season three now.

“How’d your day go?” I ask her.

She shrugs and the blankets ruffle. “We got our nails done, grabbed some lunch, and shopped. The usual. They asked me about us and I told them that we’re together.” She looks at me with uncertain eyes like she’s worried I’ll be mad they know.

“Good,” I say, and relief floods her eyes.

“What’d you guys do?” she asks.