“Eh, I don’t know if he’s as oblivious as he seems. I think he likes to pretend that there’s nothing there so he can’t feel bad for keeping us apart.”

I smile and run my fingers through her hair. “Have I told you lately that you’re smart?” She shakes her head. “Well, you are.”

She beams up at me. “Have I told you lately that you’re my favorite person?” This time, I shake my head. “Well, you are.”

I think I like being her favorite person. I think I want to be her only person. The one she thinks of first when something good or bad happens. The one who’s always there no matter what.

“Shh,” I hiss. “We’re going to get caught.”

“No, it’s fine,” Xander growls, kissing my neck. “They’re not even up yet.”

My legs are wrapped around his waist and he holds me up, my back pressed into the shelves of the pantry. I came in here to get oatmeal for breakfast and he followed, shutting the door behind us. I’d be lying if I said the forbidden feeling that clings to this moment didn’t turn me on. It’s kind of exciting, the thought of getting caught doing something—or in this case someone—you shouldn’t be.

I lean my head back and his lips descend further toward the open collar of my shirt. My hands delve into his hair and I try not to get too lost in the moment, because getting caught making out in the pantry closet would not be the best way to tell my brother about us. I haven’t told Xander, but I know it’s time for us to tell him. It’s wrong keeping this a secret, and frankly, he shouldn’t give a fuck what we do. And I know, that there’s still a chance that we could get divorced at the end of the summer—and that’s what I think we should do, but continue to date—but tiptoeing around is getting old fast. I mean, we live with Rae and Cade. There’s only so much we can keep a secret for so long.

Xander’s lips move back to mine and his tongue brushes mine. I moan and my arms wrap around his neck. He adjusts his hold on me, his hands on my butt, and something on the pantry shelf falls to the floor.

“I knew it.”

So much for not getting caught.

Xander and I jolt apart and he sets me down quickly, while we look into the laughing eyes of Rae.

“You—” she grabs my arm “—are coming with me. And you—” she points at Xander with her other hand “—it’s about damn time.”

I glance back at Xander over my shoulder, giving him an apologetic smile, and he looks utterly confused as to what just happened.

A quick look around shows me that Cade still hasn’t wandered downstairs.

Hallelujah for small miracles.

Rae drags me into the laundry room and shuts the door behind us.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she looks at me sternly. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were hooking up with Xander.” She frowns and the look of hurt on her face makes my stomach hurt. “I’ve known you guys were perfect for each other for so long. I don’t know why you thought you couldn’t tell me.”

I look away, nibbling on my bottom lip. “You’re my best friend,” I say, “but you’re also dating my brother.”

Her shoulders fall. “This is about Cade?” I nod. “You really don’t think he’d be happy for you guys? Give him some credit. He’s not a douchebag.”

I run my fingers through my hair. “It’s complicated. He’s always warned Xander away from me, and I get it, I’m his little sister, but I’m not that much younger than them. And who knows, maybe he would be okay with us dating now, but we’re not dating, we’re married and that’s complicated and—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Rae cuts off my rambling. “Did you just say married?”

I smile weakly and nod. “Yeah—we … um … kind of got drunk in Vegas and ended up married.” I shrug like it’s not a big deal and something that happens to everyone.

She gapes at me and then laughs. “Yeah, you’re right; Cade would so not be okay with that.”

I sigh. “I know,” I mutter the words and look away.

“So,” she hesitates. “Were you guys together before the whole Vegas thing?”

I shake my head. “No, that served as the catalyst. I wanted to get it annulled immediately, but Xander wasn’t having it. I promised him the summer to convince me not to get a divorce—and let me tell you, that boy does not fight fair.”

Rae laughs. “Well, tell Xander that I’m happy for you guys but mad you didn’t think you could at least tell me.”

“You’re not going to tell Cade, are you?”

She snorts and waves her hand dismissively. “Nah, you’re on your own for that.”