When my eyes connect with his I think to myself: I know, Xander, because I feel the same. But I don’t say that—and even if I wanted to, I don’t have the breath to spare.

His fingers dig into my hips once more, angling them up. The change forces him into me deeper and I grasp at the sheets so I don’t fly away.

When I look up at him, I find that he’s biting his lip, eyes closed, head thrown back.

I decide then and there that this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, watching him lose himself because of me.

As if he can sense me watching him, his eyes open and fuck. The force of the emotions in his eyes is enough to knock me down—you know, if I wasn’t already on my back with my legs in the air for him.

Seeing that look in his eyes, coupled with the sensations already running through me, I lose it. My orgasm hits me and I scream. I’ve never been a screamer, but the sound tears from my throat before I even realize what’s happening.

“Fuck,” he groans, pumping into me faster, the veins in his arms and neck standing out. “Fuck,” he repeats, and then a soft cr

y of, “Thea.”

And then he finds his own release, his fingers digging into my hips. There will definitely be bruises there in the morning, but I don’t care. Not one bit.

His lips find mine and he kisses me greedily as we both come down from our high.

Already I feel exhausted—like I could sleep for five years.

Xander slowly pulls out of me and I flinch.

“Did I hurt you?” he asks worriedly.

I blink up at him. “No, just missing your cock already.”

He shakes his head at me. “You and your mouth.”

I pout. “You love my mouth.”

His eyes zero in on my pursed lips and he mutters, “Hell yes I do.”

He goes to clean up, and I lie in the middle of his bed, unable to move.

He returns a few minutes later and moves me so my head is on the pillow and I’m under the covers. He slides in behind me and wraps his arms around my body.

I relax against him as my eyes grow heavier.

Right about now, I should be having regrets and freaking the fuck out, but I’m not.

Instead, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and I’m terrified that it’s all about to change.

In my experience, when things are too good to be true, it’s usually because they are. I just really hope that’s not the case here.

Best weekend of my life, and as such, it ends too soon.

I slip out of Thea’s bed early Monday morning and scribble a note, laying it on the pillow beside her. I have to get out of here and head to practice when I’d much rather stay right here in the peaceful cocoon of her room and pretend the outside world doesn’t exist. Rae and Cade came back last night and immediately I felt both Thea and I shift into a different mode. One where we’re careful about every movement we make and everything we say.

I fucking hate it.

But I’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy, and right now, she’s not ready to tell her brother.

I slip my sweatpants on and pick up Prue from the floor. I cut through the bathroom and into my bedroom, just in case someone is in the hall. I doubt Cade or Rae will be up at this hour, but better safe than sorry.

I carry Prue down the steps, clip her leash on, and walk her down the street to do her business. She’s been great about not going in the house, but chewing on things is another story all together. She’s already chewed holes into three pairs of my socks, ruined a pair of Thea’s shoes, and started in on the kitchen table. It’s a small miracle she hasn’t touched Thea’s shark slippers. I’m pretty sure Prue is afraid of the gaping shark mouth.

Prue finishes her business and looks up at me with her tongue hanging out, wagging her tail happily. She seems to be happy with us and I’m more than glad we could give her a forever home. The furball deserves it.