His touch is heaven and hell all in one.

His eyes find mine and they’re shimmering with desire. I can’t believe that he’s looking at me like that.

I grasp his face between my hands and our lips hover near each other, barely touching, sharing breaths.

His eyes dart down, looking beneath the covers where his hand disappears. I whimper as he applies more pressure and my breath picks up.

Close. So close.

And then I fall off the ledge and he drowns out my cry of pleasure with a kiss.

He pulls his hand from my shorts and lays down, draping my body across his. I can barely breathe but I start to move, to give him the relief he just gave me, but he shakes his head and tightens his hold on me so I can’t move.

“This was about you, not me.”

I lay my head on his chest. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re too nice?”

He chuckles. “Maybe once or twice.”

“Your blue balls are going to hate you later,” I warn him.

He chuckles and kisses the end of my nose. “Yeah, well, some sacrifices are worth it. Baby steps,” he murmurs and kisses me again, this time on the lips, but it’s simply a peck unlike the passionate one from moments before. Just the same, it leaves me weak in the knees.

It’s in this moment that I realize I’m dangerously close to falling in love with Xander.

When you’ve already loved someone the way I’ve loved him for years, it’s all too easy to fall over the edge into a new kind of love.

A better kind of love.

A forever kind of love.

Xander looks like a kid in a candy store as we stand in the little waiting room and Prue is carried in. I’m seriously expecting him to break out into song and dance at any second.

The nurse hands her to him and he looks like he’s going to explode from happiness. He looks to me with a goofy grin on his face and I find myself smiling in response.

“She was good last night?” he asks.

“A perfect angel.” The nurse nods. “I have some release paperwork for you to sign and then you’re out of here.”

“Excellent.” He sways with Prue in his arms. She’s a medium-sized dog but she looks pretty small in his arms. Her mop of hair falls down in her eyes, and I swear she flicks her head to disperse the hairs so she can see.

We take a seat and Xander holds her in his lap while the nurse goes to get the last of the paperwork.

“What do you think?” Xander asks her. “Are you ready to go home with us?”

Prue shakes her body and I laugh. “I hope that means yes.”

“Of course it does. We’re awesome.”

“All right, guys,” the nurse announces as she breezes back in, “here’s the last of it.”

Xander stands and hands Prue to me and I grunt under her weight. She gives me a look as if to say I’m not that heavy, get over it.

The nurse explains what he’s signing for and he scribbles his signature on the papers.

When he’s done, she hands him his copy and smiles at us.

“I think it’s so nice what you’ve done for Prue. Saving her and giving her a home.”