He laughs. “One, because I haven’t had it long. Two, because you didn’t ask.”

“I want to do that all the time now,” I tell him, smoothing my fingers through my hair. I’m sure it’s a knotted mess but I already have to stop off at the restroom to change from jeans into my skirt for work—since Xander insisted that I cover my legs on the off-chance we got in an accident.

Xander smiles at my words. “Really?” He seems pleased, excited even, by the possibility.

I nod eagerly. “Oh, yeah.”

We head to the elevator together and then separate when we reach our floor since he heads to the office and I go straight to the bathroom.

It doesn’t take me long to change, but fixing my hair—that takes a bit more time. I finally get it looking semi-decent and head to the office I share with Xander.

I think some of the people working in the building think it’s weird that Xander moved me into his office—the assistants usually have a desk or cubicle outside them—but they just don’t understand our dynamic. We work well together, and when we were separated, he ended up taking on too much instead of delegating things to me. This suits us much better.

I slide into my chair and Xander looks up from a blueprint. “I need you to call Debra with Synchrony Homes.”

“I’m on it,” I say and salute him.

He cracks a grin and returns to studying the blueprint.

I make phone call after phone call until finally it’s time for lunch.

“Let’s go somewhere for lunch,” Xander says, standing from behind his desk and loosening his tie a bit. Damn, forget the leather jacket, this version of Xander leaves my mouth watering. Button-down shirts and dress pants fit his physique like nothing else can.

“Where?” I ask.

He shrugs. “Maybe that little deli sandwich shop around the corner. It wouldn’t be far for us to get back.” I look around uncomfortably, and he adds, “Cade’s already gone to meet Rae if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“It wasn’t—” I start to lie but he gives me an understanding smile.

“Should we go?” He points to the door.

“Yeah.” I smile. Lunch with Xander isn’t out of the norm, and I’m beginning to realize that we already do a lot of stuff normal couples do, minus the sex part … until the other night when we added that too.

I thought that a lot would have to change for us to be a couple but I’m startled with the realization that basically nothing changes—we just get more. We get real.

I stand and smooth my skirt down, and when I look up, Xander is looking at me with a heated expression in his eyes. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel zings of pleasure course through my body.


p; Xander and I head to the elevator and then to the ground floor.

We pass through the large glass doors and onto the street when he says, “Can I hold your hand?”

I look up at him, startled. “Why?”

“Because I want to.”

People bustle by us on the streets and yet it still feels like it’s him and me alone in the world.

I nod—actually, it’s barely even a nod, more of a little jerk, but he takes it as one anyway. He takes my hand, entwining our fingers together. I expect him to say something else, but he instead starts walking. We don’t say anything as we make our way down to the little corner deli. It’s a small building, with a drab dirty brick exterior except for a cheery red door. It’s not the nicest place to look at, but the food certainly makes up for the aesthetics.

He lets go of my hand to hold the door for me and I step inside. There are a few other people already placing orders so I step into line and Xander falls in behind me. His large body seems to draw mine in like a magnet and I find myself leaning back into him. He touches my elbow, my waist, just fleeting little brushes of his fingers but my heart rate accelerates regardless. I try not to show how much I’m affected by those things because it’ll only give him more ammunition against me.

The line moves quickly and I place my order. Before I can tell them that I want to pay for my own, Xander steps forward and says, “I’ve got it.”

I’d like to make a big deal out of it and say he’s only doing it since we’re married now, but it would be a lie; Xander always insists on paying for my meal when we go out to lunch.

Xander pays for our food and we move off to the side to wait. When our number is called, he steps up, grabs the paper bag, and we head back out onto the streets since there aren’t any tables free.