I take a quick shower, only rinsing off my body since I showered at the hotel but felt the need to get the airplane ick off of me.

I change into a pair of cotton pants and a loose t-shirt that slips over my shoulder.

I grab my phone off the dresser and pad downstairs and into the kitchen. It’s a little late for lunch, but since we missed out on it from being on the flight and then the drive home, I’m starving.

I rustle around in the kitchen and procure everything I need to make a homemade pizza. I already have the dough laid out and am in the process of spreading the sauce when Xander saunters into the kitchen. He’s changed into a pair of sweatpants and a thin muscle shirt that I swear he’s had since high school.

“Whatcha doin’?” he asks, sliding onto one of the metal barstools that line the kitchen bar.

“I’m hungry, figured you were too. Is pizza okay?” It’s a bit late now to ask him, but whatever.

His lips quirk up on one side. “Pizza’s great—as long as there’s pepperoni.”

I hold up the plastic pack with the individually cut slices and shake it. “I’d never forget.”

He grins, clasping his hands together and laying them on the counter.

I finish fixing the pizza and stick it in the oven. When I stand back up, I can’t help but notice that his eyes are glued to my ass. “Eyes up here, bud.” I point to my eyes.

He chuckles, not at all caring that I caught him looking.

I set the timer and place my hands on the counter in front of me so that he hopefully won’t see them shaking. I don’t want him to realize he makes me nervous. He always has. Well, maybe not him but what I feel for him. A part of me itches to play the part of his wife. To go to him, and stand between his legs, where he’d put his hands on my waist, and I’d kiss him. I’m sure I’ve daydreamed about that exact scenario at some point in my life, but now that I have him, it feels wrong. Not wrong in the sense of not right with him, but wrong because it feels like I’m taking advantage of our situation. I guess that’s exactly what we’re supposed to do these next few months, but I’m scared. I need him to set the pace, so I can follow his lead, but he’s probably waiting for me to do the same. It’s a tricky situation.

“A penny for your thoughts?” he asks, noting my seriousness.

I mock-gasp. “I should be offended. My thoughts are worth much more than a penny.”

He chuckles. “A quarter?”

I wince. “Still not high enough.”

He laughs, the sound rich and melodic.

Changing the subject, I say, “I bet Rae and Cade will be gone all day.”

He nods in agreement. “I’m sure.”

“You know what that means?” I waggle my brows.

He grins cockily. “Baby, if you wanted sex you didn’t need to be coy about it.”

I grab a dishtowel off the counter and swat him with it. He laughs even as the cloth slaps his skin. “No. It means we can watch a movie. We never get the TV to ourselves.”

He grins. “I liked my idea better.”

“Of course you did.” I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I hate him for bringing up the topic of sex, because now all I can think about is the smooth feel of his skin beneath my hands and our bodies moving together. I bite my lip, suppressing a moan at my naughty thoughts.

Xander says huskily, “If you keep standing there with that look on your face, I’m going to have to fuck you on the kitchen counter.”

My breath catches and his eyes flick to my lips. The gesture is like a bomb going off. I don’t know which of us moves first, but suddenly, I’m in his arms, and his lips press to mine, kissing me like I’m the air he desperately needs. My body is pressed flush to his, my soft to his hard, and I grasp his arms, holding on so that I don’t fall.

He tips my chin back, and my butt presses into the counter as he pushes against me. He grasps my hips and lifts me up, standing in the open space between my legs. My fingers delve into his silky hair, drawing him closer to me. More, I need more.

I can’t think, can’t seem to do anything other than focus on the feel of his lips against mine.

His fingers dig into my hips, but I don’t mind. The pressure keeps me grounded.

“Xander,” I moan his name into his mouth, and he nips my bottom lip.