Thea goes to work on filling out the information but I notice a slight shake to her hand and she keeps quietly crying. After another minute of this, I take the clipboard from her and fill it out myself. I know practically everything so it’s not a big deal, but she looks up at me with these big shining eyes like I’ve just done the greatest thing ever. It’s such a simple thing, but those things mean the most to someone.

I finish filling out the paperwork and return it to the front desk. I’m starting back to our seats when Cade, Rae, Jace, and Nova come in. I wasn’t expecting all of them, and I hope Thea won’t feel overwhelmed.

“Hey, guys,” I say. “She’s over here waiting.”

I lead them over to our chairs and sit down beside Thea. She forces a small smile for everyone.

“Whoa, you look like a star in a horror movie,” Jace says. Nova glares at him and gives his arm a smack. “Ow, I was trying to be funny. Lighten the mood.”

Nova rolls her eyes. “You’re such a guy. Keep your mouth shut, how about that.”

Jace’s lips thin and he looks to the ceiling. Nova is the only girl I’ve ever met that can shut him up.

Before much else can be said, they call for Thea and we follow someone down a long hall while the others stay behind.

She gets put in a room with three cinderblock walls and one all glass with a clear view of the information desk.

“Put on the gown and someone will be in to see you shortly.” The door closes behind us.

Thea hops onto the bed, kicking her legs back and forth. “I’m not putting that gown on,” she warns me. “I will fight someone if they try to get me to wear that.”

I pull up a chair and sit down beside her. “I don’t think they’ll care. You’re here for your nose.”

She turns to the side. “Do you still think it’s not broken?”

I stand and assess the damage again. I broke my nose once in middle school and there was an immediate bump in the bridge. Even once they set it the bump never quite went away. But Thea’s nose is still perfectly straight. “I think you’re good, but it’s still best to get it checked out.”

She nods, still swinging her legs. She shivers and rubs her hands up and down her arms. It is freezing in here, but since it’s hot as balls outside I don’t have a jacket to offer her. There is a blanket sitting on another chair and I grab it and drape it around her shoulders.

“Thanks.” She gives me a grateful smile.

There’s a knock on the door and I turn around to see our friends.

Rae pokes her head in. “They said we could come back.”

I nod and motion them inside.

With the four of them there’s not much room left in the small space, but I can see Thea relax, happy that they’re here.

“So,” Jace begins, “would anyone care to tell me what the fuck is going on?”

I look at Cade and see his shoulders tense. Rae wraps her arms around him and whispers something in his ear.

Cade takes a deep breath and the room fills with tension. “My father abused me as a child, but the abuse never really stopped. It’s continued even now. He was aiming for me today and got Thea instead.” He sweeps his fingers toward his little sister and winces. “You shouldn’t have gotten in the way, Thea.”

She raises her chin defiantly. “He shouldn’t have been hitting you in the first place.”

Cade sighs. “True, but it is what it is.”

Thea snaps. “No, no, no. Don’t say that. It’s not, ‘it is what it is’. Don’t excuse his actions. He doesn’t deserve that. He’s not a good dad. He’s a bad person and he should’ve never laid a hand on you.” She begins to cry anew. “It should have never been normal for you.”

Cade wets his lips. “How’d you know? You had to know or you wouldn’t have followed us.”

Thea swallows thickly and tells him the same thing she told me in the car about coming home early and witnessing Cade getting hit by their father.

Everyone in the room grows solemn. Abuse is one of those things you know about, but don’t really think about until you’re confronted face to face with it and it’s scary to think that someone that should protect them, their father, hurt them both so deeply. Cade with fists, Thea with words. I can’t imagine having a child and ever hurting him or her. It seems impossible to feel so darkly toward a child.

“I didn’t want him to hurt you again.” Thea’s voice cracks. “I wanted this to be the last time.”