We leave our bags at the front desk, much to the irritation of the receptionist. She only agreed because Xander sweet-talked her while I stood off to the side trying not to roll my eyes.

Xander and I grab one of the waiting taxis and ask to be taken to the nearest church. It seems to be the best place to start considering neither of us knows the exact one where the deed was done. After talking about it, we were able to piece together enough about the interior that we’ll know when we find it.

The taxi parks in front of a tan-stoned building with a huge sign out front that says: Viva Las Vegas. Themed weddings. Themed rooms.

Xander and I exchange a look before sliding out of the car and into the heat.

“Wait here,” Xander orders the driver. When he huffs in irritation, Xander adds, “Keep the meter running.”

It doesn’t take long for Xander and me to run in and determine that this isn’t the chapel we got married in. It also only took the Elvis impersonator a few seconds to openly hit on me. It was gross, but the warning growl from Xander for the man to stay away made it worth it.

We stop at three more places and none of them are the one.

But the fourth looks promising. The outside is white, and it’s built more like a traditional church with a steeple. It looks nothing like the gaudy and gimmicky places we’ve already checked.

Xander glances at me, and I know he feels it too—this place is where it happened.

I slide out of the back of the car and Xander takes my hand. I don’t know if it’s because he thinks I need the support or he needs it. Either way, I don’t let go.

We head for the small white chapel and bits and pieces of last night flash through my memory.

Our laughter trickled into the air, and I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissed him. There was no fear or hesitation. I kissed him like I’d been doing it forever.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, sweeping his lips over mine.

“Yes,” I breathed, my mind foggy from him more than the alcohol.

His hands slithered to my waist and his thumbs rested on my bare skin at the space where my tank top had ridden up.

“You want to call me your husband?” he asked. His eyes were clear, happy, and wondering—like he couldn’t believe this was happening any more than I could.

“More than anything.”

He kissed me deeply, stealing my breath, and then we hurried into the chapel.

I glance up at Xander and wonder if he remembers too. His eyes betray nothing, though.

We enter into a foyer with white walls, tile floors, and beams crossing the ceiling. It has a Mediterranean feel to it that seems at odds with the gimmicky glamour of most places in Vegas.

Xander and I stroll further into the building and through an archway that opens up into a room with simple white chairs facing an altar. The building seems to be vacant but there’s a door to our right and Xander starts for it. Before we make it, it swings open, and a white-haired man appears. He removes his glasses and grins at us.

“Ah, the young lovers. I’m surprised to see you. I figured you two would be locked away for the next week.” I blush at what he implies. “It’s rare to see such young, true love in Sin City.” I nearly choke at that last bit.

Pain flashes across Xander’s face as he looks at me and my stomach takes a tumble out of my body. I don’t understand why he wants to stay married to me. It makes no sense. He just graduated from college and has his whole life ahead of him. I don’t know why he’d want to be tied down with a wife. With me.

The man smiles, waiting for one of us to say something. Since Xander has paled and looks like he’s about to choke on his own tongue, I let go of his hand and step in front of him so I now stand closest to the man.

“We came to see if there’s any way we can undo what we did.” The man’s lips quirk like he’s fighting not to laugh. “We can’t stay married,” I say, hating the way my hands shake and clasping them together so hopefully neither of them notices. “This was a mistake.” Even though I can’t see Xander, I know that word hurt him, and I instantly regret saying it.

The man frowns. “I’m sorry. I can’t help you. Everything was done according to guidelines. According to the law, you’re married.”

I gulp. “Sir—”

He holds up a hand to stop me. “I understand the lure Las Vegas can have on people. Believe me, I see everything and it’s why I usually refuse to perform impromptu weddings. I don’t marry people to make money like these other fools.” He flicks a finger to encompass the strip. “People come here to get married for real. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that out of all the chapels on the strip you were drawn here. I promise you this, I wouldn’t have performed the ceremony if I hadn’t seen something in the two of you. Something special. Hold onto that and don’t let go. It’s rare.”

He starts to move around me, and I grab his arm. I open my mouth to say … I don’t know what I want to say—my mind is completely blank once I absorb his last words.

He pats my hand. “What’s done is done.”