“Is Alexis coming?” Thea asks, referring to my older sister.

I shake my head. “I don’t know. My mom wanted her to, but I’m not sure she could get out of the office in time.”

Thea frowns. “I hope she can make it. I was looking forward to seeing everyone. At least Xavier is here. I love him.”

I narrow my eyes. “Better not love him more than me.”

She laughs and reaches for the door handle. “Of course not.”

We get out and head in through the garage. My mom would have a fit if we went to the front door. She’s always wanted us kids to feel like we’re always welcome at home. I know if she could she’d keep us here forever.

“Sarah,” Thea calls when we enter. “We’re here!”

My mom comes around the corner and her smile lights up the whole house. Her glossy brown hair is pulled back in a ponytail and her apron is covered in something that makes me think she’s baked a cake. She’s one of those people that loves to cook and bake but always makes a mess of herself and the kitchen.

“Thea, I’m so happy to see you! It’s been too long!” She hurries over to Thea and takes her face between her hands. “My God, you get prettier every time I see you. I keep telling my son he needs to wise up and make a move on you before someone else does.”

I snort, pressing my hand against Thea’s waist. My mom notices and her eyes flicker from my hand, to my face, to Thea, and back again.

“Wait,” she says slowly. “Are you?”

“We’re dating, Mom.” For some reason, I can’t meet her eyes.

She lets out a shriek and hugs us both tight. “Cooper!” she yells to my dad. “Why didn’t you tell me Xander and Thea were a couple?”

“What?” he yells back.

“He doesn’t know, Mom.” I laugh, reaching for Thea’s hand.

“Oh.” She covers her heart. “I just assumed with you guys working there that he did. My bad.”

My brother chooses that moment to walk by, phone glued to his hand as he types furiously. “’Bout damn time.”

“Xavier,” my mom hisses. “Language.”

“About fucking time,” Xavier amends with a crooked grin. We look a lot alike. We both have the same messy black hair and are tall, although I’m taller, much to his chagrin.

My mom tosses her hands in the air and mutters. “Why do I bother?”

“I don’t know,” Xavier says back. “I can’t be controlled. You know this.”

My mom shakes her head and turns to Thea and me. “Why don’t you guys hang out in the kitchen? I need some entertainment that isn’t in the form of this doofus.” She points a finger at my little brother.

Xavier frowns. “I feel like I should take offense to that, but doofus is a pretty accurate description of me.”

“You know w

hat else is?” I ask and before he can respond, I say, “Court Jester.” I ruffle his hair as I pass but I don’t get far before he tackles me and we tumble to the floor.

“Boys,” my mom scolds, and I’m sure she’s shaking her head at us as we roll around. To Thea, she mutters, “They’ll never grow up.”

We break apart and laugh, smiling up at our mom. “You love us just the way we are,” Xavier says.

She sighs, blowing her bangs away from her eyes. “You’re right, I do, but I don’t know why.” She lifts her hands in the air and then walks down the hall to the kitchen.

Thea stands over us, shaking her head. “Silly boys.” Then she passes us by.

“So, you and Thea, huh?” Xavier waggles his brows.