Ollie and Talia have always lived by two rules.

1. Live life to the fullest

2. Love each other with everything they have.

When the unthinkable happens Talia is left heartbroken and Ollie doesn't know how to fix it. Suddenly this fun-loving couple finds themselves struggling to find the good in life that used to come so readily to the both of them.

A gift from a friend presents them with the chance to travel the world. Something they were both once eager to do.

Hopping on a plane.

Unknown destinations.

Anything can happen…but can they find their way back to themselves?

Keep reading for an excerpt from Lucia Franco’s Balance. Now available.

Wow, I honestly can’t believe I’m writing acknowledgements for When Stars Collide. There was a time when I thought I would never write this book, but you guys, my readers, never gave up hope that Xander and Thea would get their story. This book completely took over my life and I fell completely in love with these two. This story has quickly become one of my favorites and I hope you love it as much as I do.

Wendi. Editor. Formatter. Swirl lover. And ninja. I love you to pieces and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m also sorry you’ve had to hear me say, “I love them!” five hundred thousand times. I hope you’re prepared to hear me do it again, because I don’t think I’m done.

Regina Bartley, no book would ever be complete without you. You encourage me every step of the way and you’re always there when I need to talk something out. I don’t know what I’d do without you. (Probably throw my laptop, haha)

My fammmmily. You guys deserve all the hugs in the world for dealing with me. Mom, I’m sorry for all those texts I didn’t answer until a week later. But seriously, you all have been so supportive and that means everything.

Regina Wamba, you deserve a gold medal for dealing with me on this cover. I know I didn’t make it easy for you but this has turned out to be one of my favorites and I can’t stop looking at it. It’s so perfect for Xander and Thea.

Anthony and Hannah, thank you so much for bringing these characters to life. You guys went above and beyond and I couldn’t be happier. Let’s do it again. ;)

My beta readers! (You know who you are) Thank you for helping to shape this book into what is. I value your opinions so much, and it means so much that you love my characters as much as I do.

And of course, I have to end this by thanking YOU. Without you, my readers, I couldn’t live my dream. I can’t imagine myself doing anything but writing, and thanks to you I can do that, and that will never stop blowing my mind.


Chapter 1

"Absolutely not!" My father's harsh voice boomed around his home office.

"You haven't even heard what I have to say," I argued my point, not settling for anything less than his full attention.

"I don't care what you have to say. You can talk until you're blue in the face. You are not moving to New Hampshire. End of discussion."

"Dad, just listen. Gymnastics¬¬—"

"I've made my decision and it's not changing." He picked up his pen and focused on the papers in front of him. "Now, please, I have work to do."

Devastation sucker punched me in the gut. I was surprised by how unreasonable he was being in not letting me speak. The East Coast was home to one of the best gymnastics facilities in the country and I'd prove it to him. My weeks of research wouldn't be wasted. I would not give up, I just had to try harder.

"It's renowned for its coaching and athletes," I pressed on.

"No." He gave me his infamous look, the one capable of making a grown man flinch.

My future was at stake and I had to fight for it. As much as I would miss my current gym, it was no longer useful to me. There were only so many extra hours of conditioning and private classes I could take. Advancement in this sport required the proper training, and I couldn't get it at Palm Beach Gymnastics.

"Transferring to another gym isn't unheard of. A lot of families send their gymnasts to train at better facilities." I stood my ground.

"Adrianna Francesca Rossi!" His tone and anger bled into my frustration, but it didn't stop me.