“Yes,” she groaned, smacking her head against the table. Raising her head, she said, “You know, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I actually knew what I wanted to do with my life and I wasn’t taking all these stupid classes that bore me half to death.”

I felt bad for her, because that really had to suck. “Surely there’s something you like that could be a potential career.”

Her plump lips turned down into a frown and she pouted. “Nope. Nothing.” She lowered her head to the table once more in the shelter of her arms. Her body began to shake. “I’m such a failure.”

“You’re not a failure,” I assured her. My hand hovered above her back, not sure whether or not I should try to offer her comfort. Eventually I gave her a small pat and pulled my hand away hastily.

She peeked her eyes up at me and sniffled. “I totally am. This is college. I’m supposed to have it all figured out and I’m clueless.”

“You will figure it out,” I assured her. “Give it time.”

I’d known I wanted to be a photographer from the moment I first picked up a camera at ten years old, so I’d never been in Thea’s position, but I could imagine it was pretty miserable.

“You really think so?” She sat up, wiping her hands beneath her eyes.

“I know so.” I nodded reassuringly. “Don’t get yourself too worked up about it. One day something will happen and you’ll know what you want to do. Don’t stress yourself unnecessarily.”

She nodded at my words and then surprised me by hugging me. I slowly lifted my arms to hug her back. “You’re a good friend, Rae.”

I opened my mouth, ready to tell her that we weren’t friends, but that would’ve been a lie. Somehow, Thea had weaseled herself into my heart and become my friend. I hadn’t had one of those in a long time—I’d come to deny myself such things. But it felt good knowing I had someone like her in my life. I hugged her back with renewed force. I wasn’t alone anymore.

“You’re a better friend,” I whispered in her hair, because it was true. She could never know the real me and what I had done, but she could know the me that I was now.

She pulled away and gave me a shaky smile. “I’m sorry for crying on you.”

I cracked a smile. “It’s okay. But seriously, you need to stop stressing yourself.”

“I’ll try to be better.” She straightened her clothes and stood up. “I better get something to eat. Class on an empty stomach is not fun.” She forced a smile and flounced away with a little more pep in her step. Now that was the Thea I knew.

By the time she returned she was in a much better mood.

She set her food down, and eyed me. “So…my brother asked me for your phone number?”

He’d told me he was going to, but that news still sent a shiver down my spine.

“He did?” I acted like I was clueless.

“Mhmm,” she grinned, peeling the top off her yogurt. “Would you like to explain why to me?”

I shrugged and squirmed in my seat, reluctant to tell her of our plans. I mean, it wasn’t like it was a date or anything, but if I told her the truth it would certainly sound that way.

“Rae?” She pleaded, giving me puppy dog eyes. Damn her.

“We’re going out for lunch or something. I really don’t know the specifics.” When she brightened I hastened to add, “It’s not a date.” Nope. Definitely not a date.

She grinned like the Cheshire cat. “Yeah, right.”

“Seriously,” I assured her. “Ask him.”

“I will.” She turned to her food and the subject, thankfully, dropped.

I finished eating and looked at the time on my phone. “I better go,” I told her. I still had time befo

re my next class but I was supposed to meet up with Nova so we could discuss our project.

I walked across campus and stood by the bench she’d told me to wait at. My head swiveled in every direction, looking for her purple hair. At least she wouldn’t be hard to miss.

When she didn’t appear in a few minutes I sat down on the bench, checking my phone to see if I’d missed a text from her canceling our plans, but there was nothing.