“I don’t know,” I shrugged.

He chuckled. “Oh, you know.”

Ugh. I stopped in my tracks and tilted my head back to look at him—which was saying something since a lot of guys were shorter than me. “You act like you know me and you don’t. I haven’t even seen you in two weeks.”

His eyes lightened and he smiled. Over his shoulder I saw Thea watching us closely. “Someone’s been keeping track.”

I rolled my eyes. “Definitely not.”

He shrugged off my words. “I’ve been busy. Coach has us practicing morning and evening. Plus, I have classes. As for the not knowing you part…” His voice lowered and he took a step forward and cupped my cheek. I shivered at his touch and backed a step away so that his hand fell away. “I really want to get to know you.”

“Why?” I asked, incredulous. There was nothing special about me. I was just…Rae. Rachael Wilder. The girl who killed three people. The girl who was angry at herself and the world. The girl who should’ve died that day. The girl who should not be standing here having any sort of conversation with the likes of Cade Montgomery.

“Why wouldn’t I?” He gave me a significant look and sauntered away, catching up with Jace and Xander.

I stood there in shock. Cade confused me like no one else. I truly couldn’t figure him out. I shouldn’t even want to know anything about him, but I did. I so did. Damn him.

Thea scurried to my side. “Still want to tell me there’s nothing going on with you and my brother?”

I gaped at her for a moment. “I have no idea what just happened.”

“Mhmm,” she hummed in disbelief.

“I swear,” I assured her, as we started walking once more. The whole place smelled like popcorn and funnel cake. I felt my stomach do a flip at the thought of all the buttery and sweet goodness I could devour. “You know, your brother is kind of strange.”

She laughed. “So are you. Maybe that’s why he likes you.”

I gave her shoulder a light bump with mine. “That wasn’t funny.”

“I thought it was,” she smiled.

The carnival wasn’t that big and it wasn’t long until we’d ridden everything. Despite my best efforts, I was actually having fun. In fact, I was downright giddy with excitement.

“I’m going to get a bottle of water,” Thea told me, after we got off one of the spinning rides. I felt

dizzy and pressed a hand to my forehead to steady myself. “You want anything?”

“Water is good,” I replied, leaning against one of the game booths for support.

“I’ll be right back,” she called over her shoulder before bleeding into the crowd.

My skin was warm despite the cool temperature and I felt almost drunk—drunk on life, maybe, because for the first time in a long time I was happy to be alive. I guess having fun could do that to you. I would have to remember to thank Thea for this. I’d been reluctant to come, but this had been the best thing for me. In fact, I was starting to think that Huntley University was going to change my life. Maybe it already had.

For some reason I found myself spinning around with my arms spread wide. I couldn’t stop grinning and since the sun had gone down all the colorful lights blended together in a swirl.

It was beautiful. Magical.

“What are you doing?” Someone laughed at me.


I’d forgotten what it was like to be so happy and carefree. To be just a girl. It was amazing and I didn’t want to lose this feeling. I didn’t want to go back to feeling so morose, but I knew that just like Cinderella at the ball my time was almost up. I was determined to enjoy this and hang onto this feeling for as long as I could.

I finally stopped spinning and when I stopped it was Cade that stood in front of me. I was surprised I hadn’t recognized his voice since it usually filled my body with such warmth.

“Hi,” I said stupidly with a goofy grin on my face. I seriously felt drunk but I hadn’t had anything to drink. I swayed unsteadily again and he reached out to steady me. “Thanks,” I mumbled, clinging onto him. I was glad I hadn’t eaten anything yet. Between the ride and my own spinning adventure I was starting to feel sick to my stomach.

“No problem.” He didn’t let go. In fact, he drew my body even closer to his. Where I was soft, Cade was hard. I fit perfectly against the side of his body and I resisted the urge to rub myself against him like a cat.